Thursday 18 April 2019

Banning Political Parties will promote violence in Britain

Banning Political Parties will promote violence in Britain

Some members of Parliament celebrated bans on social media that effectively will not allow individuals or political organisations to appear on platforms as Facebook. Some time ago, Jo Cox MP, a Labour Party representative, was murdered by a man that was very much a disenfranchised member of society that expressed his hatred and frustration  killing a Member of Parliament.

Some time ago, Amber Rudd MP, as Home Secretary, banned an organisation called National Action and several people linked to National Action were sent to jail. Unfortunately, no serious thinking ensued. No one asked very serious questions that should have been asked. Most of those involved in National Action had been at one point or another members or supporters of a political party and when the said political party went downhill they found themselves without a political home. To make matters worse, their personal lives have also been affected by political discrimination because they had been members or supporters of the said political party. As day follows night, they got involved in activities that had nothing to do with taking part in elections.

My point is that as the number of those who don't feel represented, who are left without say, is growing so will the potential for political violence in the United Kingdom. Instead of banning or implementing political discrimination, we should be widening the political spectrum so that people feel represented and believe that there is a way of having a voice peacefully.

I have written to several Members of Parliament dealing with the issue of representation and of having an outlet to express grievances peacefully.

Today, there was the furore about environmental rallies and the disruption that they cause. It was soon followed by statements by the Home Secretary and Police authorities talking about the rule of law and about adopting repressive measures to counter the rallies. I don't think that repression on social media or repression on the streets will be conducive to peace. Quite the opposite.

As grievances are on the rise, people need to be able to express their frustration, to vent their anger, to express their discontent. In the present environment, bans and repression are the equivalent of building dams that are going to be broken with tragic consequences.

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