Thursday 26 March 2020

Excel Exhibition Centre is being transformed into a hospital

Excel Exhibition Centre is being transformed into a hospital

The British Armed Forces are working hard to transform the Excel Exhibition Centre in London into a hospital to deal with the casualties of the Corona Virus crisis.

At the same time, Northern Ireland is seing the preparation of a vast morgue to deal with the bodies of those who succumb to the Corona Virus.

Tonight, people across the United Kingdom clapped hands to thank those working for the National Health Service for their efforts to save lives as the battle rages in Continental Europe with Spain and Italy being the two countries most affected by the crisis.

In the USA, trillions of Dollars will be invested to fight an enemy that is decimating families with New York being the worst affected by the infectious disease.

Borders have been closed to prevent the spread of a disease that has jumped across national borders and across the oceans to affect entire continents.

For those accustomed to watch catastrophe movies, this is not fiction. This is the real thing and the consequences of having to fight the disease will be long lasting. We are borrowing and borrowing to fight the disease because if we don't borrow to fight the disease there might be no tomorrow for the many.For those who study and do research about what wipe out the dinosaurs, there is the issue of a disease that could wipe out vast numbers of human beings across the world.

How could this possibly happen? Is this the consequence of unhealthy practices?

Monday 16 March 2020

For the USA not to have a National Health Service is morally reprehensible

For the USA not to have a National Health Service is morally reprehensible

Not the system promoted by the Republican and not the alternative proposed by the Democrats, but a truly and fully National Health Service for all Americans regardless of social background. 

If an American citizen is required to put his or her life in danger to preserve the United States of America, American citizens should be provided a National Health Service so that they don't have live their lives in fear thinking that in their hour of need they might not have a crucial service to support them. As a British citizen, I think it is morally represible and and an outrage - both Republicans and Democrats must be blamed for the present state of affairs - that the most powerful and wealthiest nation on earth doesn't have a National Health Service paid with taxpayers' monies.

Both Democrats and Republics are very happy to support war industries with taxpayers' monies, but they don't want to fund a National Health Service for all Americans. Denying the American people a National Health Service is a terrorist act and it goes against Jesus Christ. Supporting and protecting the vulnerable is one of the core principles of Christianity. You can put the words 'In God, we trust on a banknote', but they are empty words if they are not supported with facts.



Corona Virus: Health Concerns and Financial Stability

Corona Virus: Health Concerns and Financial Stability

Undoubtedly, we need to ensure that there are resources in place to assist both individuals and companies during times of crisis. As people opt for self-isolation or are forced into self-isolation because of health concerns, the economy as a whole will be under enormous pressure.

During previous financial crisis, the State was able to intervene and acting as lender or guarantor could maintain the integrity of financial systems that underpin the economy as a whole. 

In the present crisis generated by having to deal with Corona Virus, once again, the State is coming out and investing public monies to support both individuals, public services and companies that are affected by a sudden slowdown. Such intervention by the State can only be temporary. The package of extraordinary measures is not something that be kept going forever. We must be aware of the potential for extremely negative consequences that will involve social and political repercussions.

We are talking about two worlds: the world before Corona Virus and the world after Corona Virus in the same manner that we had a world before 9/11 and a completely different world after 9/11. The way in which we approach the provision of healthcare will have to change. The way in which we approach immigration will have to change.

Most importantly, what we do about healthcare is not a national issue. It is an international issue. Countries will have to accept the fact that illnesses don't respect national borders, that what happens in one country will inevitably affect the rest of the world. Each country with international support will have to improve the provision of healthcare. Healthcare is a priority for all regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality or any other consideration. What happened in Wuhan has now affected more than 150 countries and is spreading in the same manner that AIDs that started in Africa has killed millions across the world.


Sunday 15 March 2020

Corona Virus is a test for the European Union as a whole

Corona Virus is a test for the European Union as a whole

National reactions to the Corona Virus crisis show the true state of the European Union. Border fences up. Freedom of Movement and the Schengen agreement go out through the window. National priorities kick in.

Germany is on a slippery slope downwards. The 2017 Federal Elections proved extremely difficult for Angela Merkel's CDU. After losing ground, SPD - their coalition partner - walked away not wanting to be in a coalition. In a desperate effort, Angela Merkel tried to reach an agreement with FDP and Grünen, attempt that proved to be unsuccessful. Why would the Grünen want an agreement with a losing political party when their numbers are going up? They went up in the Federal Election and they went up in state elections after the Federal Election. In fact, Grünen and Alternative für Deutschland are the net winners. In Brandenburg, in Bavaria, in Saxony, in Hesse and in Thüringen, the trend is very similar. Moreover, in Thüringen, CDU joined forces with Alternative für Deutschland to get rid of the Die Linke head of government and soonafter that the heir apparent of Angela Merkel (Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer) resigned soonafter.

The context for the new European Union budget includes the fact that Germany and others will have to fill up the financial gap generated by the British withdrawal. Tens of billions of Pounds will have to be found and the remaining 27 countries don't seem to be able to reach an agreement. France is facing an internal struggle with internal political problemas of her own. Spain just had elections in which no political party got an overall majority and a compromise had to be found to appoint a new government. Italy is still on the grip of an ongoing political struggle and shaken by migration. We could go on analyzing what other EU countries are going through. On top of all the troubles comes the Corona Virus with a whole new set of challenges. European Union economies are bound to suffer a great deal and the response to the crisis has been fragmentary. Unless the European Union manages to find common ground, a response based on closure of national borders will do very little to reassure members of the public about the integrity of the European Union. 

Having said that, there are other concerns. If the European Union cannot show unity and integrity when faced with a health emergency, what will happen if the European Union is faced with external aggression. Will it withstand external aggression or will it collapse along the cracks of national borders?  Whoever has a potential interest in testing the European Union's capatity to react as a block is carefully tracking European Union countries responses? Will they come together as one or will they fail to achieve a common response?

Saturday 14 March 2020

Corona Virus is not just about health

Corona Virus is not just about health

From the very beginning, it has become self-evident that the crisis generated by Corona Virus affects every aspect of our daily existence. It is about social cohesion, financial stability and beliefs linked to political developments and geopolitical realities.

AIDs started in Africa. Corona Virus started in a Chinese province -although some say that the real sources of AIDs and Corona Virus did not come to be by mere accident. The fact remains that the entire world has been shaken by Corona Virus and will continue to be affected in years to come. 

Because we are in Europe, let's look at events from an European perspective. Some of the main countries of the European Union have affected. France, Spain and Italy are now almost in a lockdown state. Others are moving in the same direction. 

For a brief moment, all the talk about Brexit and European deals, the immigration crisis, even terrorism have been left behind by Corona Virus. But let's make no mistake. The said issues are still very much the order of the day. They are not going away.

I always wondered about the fact that many regulations and mechanisms were in place to deal with animals and plants, but very little was in place to deal with health risks generated by the transit of human beings from one country to another. There was quarantine for dogs and cast, but little or nothing was there regarding human beings.

I could say that almost for the first time health measures have been put in place to deal with health risks associated with human beings. We need to start taking health issues related to migration very seriously. Whatever happens after the present crisis, we need to rethink the ways in which we deal with people coming in. Are they healthy? Do they carry deadly diseases that we don't now about?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was very candid, extremely honest, about what Corona Virus will cause and stated that some families will lose loved ones. This is the grim reality of dealing with a viral infection. Yes. People will die and people have already died. But as Josef Stalin himself said it: one person's death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. We don't know how many are going to die and we cannot foresee the number of those who are going to die. No one has a crystal ball. What we do know is that the present crisis should be a lesson, an incentive, to take the necessary measures to deal with migration as a way to minimize risks. 

When we take in people coming from all over the world, we need to ensure that they are healthy and this is a matter of national security.  


Corona Virus could be a blessing in disguise

Corona Virus could be a blessing in disguise

In a Twenty-First Century of selfishness, Corona Virus could be a blessing in disguise, forcing Humanity to rethink its ways. 

We don't know how far the Corona Virus pandemia will go. But we know that it is forcing countries and people as individuals to think about the way we live.

This is a time in which if we don't look after our neighbours we would end up being victims. The virus doesn't care about national borders. The virus doesn't care about gender, race, sexual inclinations, ideologies or social background. If you are meant to get it, you are going to get it. Privileges amount to nothing. This a very democratic infection. At the last count, more than 150 countries have been infected, both rich and poor, regardless of backgrounds.

Corona Virus is making people think about our approach to healthcare and welfare in general. The views of an empty Mecca in Saudi Arabia send a very clear message to all those willing to hear. Whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or of whatever other religious persuasion or don't believe at all, you can be a target. This is the kind of terror that can target Humanity as a whole.

Corona Virus could be given a religious meaning. Let's put it this way: you can be rich. You can be powerful. I am going to get you anyway. Maybe Corona Virus is what is needed to make Humanity think, ponder, and change for the better. For months on end, we have been talking about wars, about trade wars, about terrorism, about political polarization and conflicts of all kinds.Suddenly, the world is focused on one issue. This is about survival of the individual and the said individual could be you. For you to survive, you need the actions of many others. We come to the point when every nation will be made to understand that we all need a National Health Service. If your neighbour is ill because he or she cannot afford to be treated then you and your family and everybody else you care for is in danger.

Faced with a catastrophe we need to think and to act. Corona Virus might be teaching us a valuable lesson that all of us need to learn. 

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Huawei and fears about economic warfare

Huawei and fear of economic warfare

Real fears about Huawei have nothing to do with National Security or espionage. Fears about Huawei are about economics and the fact that now Chinese companies like Huawei can outbid any Western company at international level when bidding for contracts.

Nokia and Ericsson could hardly compete with Huawei in terms of getting things better at a lower price and at a time when even countries like UK are having to look very carefully at the monies they spend, Huawei will undoubtedly have the upper hand. While the EU and others have to deal with regulations regarding competition and subsidies, Chinese companies don't have to worry about lack of subsidies. The biggest foreign debt is the US Foreign Debt and China is one of its main creditors - if not the biggest creditor of the USA. If China were to mobilize the monies the USA owes to China, there would enough capital to over-run and outpace any Western company. Therefore, the issue is not about espionage. The issue is about economic warfare. China can buy whatever it wants to buy, but the West cannot afford to sell strategic assets to China. This is why the USA and other Western countries are claiming that there are issues of National Security. They cannot openly say that this is merely about economic warfare. They try and implement higher tariffs against Chinese exports, but if China buys into the USA and into the said countries the said investments would not be exports but national and local investments that will not be affected by tariffs on exports.

Today, it is about who controls the telecommunications industries. Tomorrow, it will be about heavy industries or food production. Why using any other means when you can buy countries directly? In a world of services, communications have crucial importance. Whoever controls the communications market has the upper hand when it comes to the rest of the economy. 

For the USA, repatriating jobs is not the same as allowing foreign companies to buy the USA. Awarding contracts to Ericsson looks like a safer bet than awarding the same conttracts to Huawei. This is not about National Security. This is about - once again - about economic warfare. Using the words of President Clinton, 'it's the economy, stupid.' 

The Conservative Party promised in its manifesto that it would develop communications networks in the UK to provide services to even the most remote community in the United Kingdom. It will be a costly exercise. They know that the prices demanded by Western companies will be much higher that the prices asked for by Huawei. Money makes the world go around. If you can pay less for better services, you can then have more monies for others projects including Trident and HS2. You can have more monies to provide advantages to Labour voters that chose to vote Conservative in the 2019 General Election. Behind the decision made by Prime Minister Boris Johnson there is a lot of strategic thinking. If he can get Huawei to deliver faster and cheaper what he promised in the 2019 Manifesto, those who can access new and faster services at a fraction of the cost will think more about having affordable and reliable services. 

Monday 9 March 2020

Trevor Phillips in the eye of the political storm regarding Islam

Trevor Phillips in the eye of the political storm regarding Islam

Trevor Phillips
Nick Griffin
These two main went to war some years ago when the challenge was the Constitution of the British National Party. The struggle costed the political organisation a critical amount of resources and initiated the process leading to electoral losses in the British National Party. Not long afterwards in what was effectively a coup within the BNP, Adam Walker and Clive Jefferson orchastred the expulsion of Nick Griffin and the organisation became a phantom organisation without any real political purpose because the Leader and the Deputy Leader became invisible. 

Nick Griffin was crucified for denouncing that Muslim gangs were preying on vulnerable boys and girls. The BBC called Nick Griffin 'racist'. More than a decade later, Nick Griffin was proven right, but still the political establishment and the mass media who spread so much poison against Nick Griffin couldn't bring themselves to apologize for having wrongly accused Nick Griffin and for having looked the other way while thousands of British children were being sexually abused, raped, plied with drugs and alcohol and even tortured and killed. In far too many cases, the culprits were never found. Now we face the absurdity of a government that doesn't want to publicise reports of those who were found and convicted in British courts.

Throughout the years, Trevor Phillips views on some issues have changed and now he himself has a different stance. The former head of the EHRC (Equality and Human Rights Commission) stated that UK Muslim population is 'different'. For having the courage of being frank and open, Trevor Phillips has been suspended by a Labour Party that stands accused of hatred against Jews. Suspending Trevor Phillips was a logical thing to do by a Labour Party that has direct links with Islamic terrorist organisations and has been openly attacking the State of Israel.

This is about the Labour Party's revenge against Trevor Phillips because Trevor Phillips and 23 other public figures wrote last year to The Guardian newspaper stating that they would not vote for the Labour Party because of the association of the Labour Party with Anti-Semitism.And what is the EHRC doing right now? The EHRC is investigating the Labour Party for Anti-Semitism and the Conservative Party for Islamophobia. So this goes beyond Anti-Semitism and Islmamophobia. This is a political struggle with geopolitical angles and goes to the root of what Britain stands. This is also - critically - about National Security.

The Labour Party sold out to Irish terrorism by becoming extremely close to the IRA. The Labour Party looked the other way when in places like Rotherham they ignored the plight of vulnerable boys and girls attacked by Muslim rape gangs. It must be said that - althrough not all involved in such criminal activities can be classed as Muslim - a disproportionate number are of Muslim Pakistani descent and some have stated that this could be do to cultural and religious issues and the ghetto realities of Britain. In quite a few cases, Diversity has been exactly the opposite of genuine Integration.


Sunday 8 March 2020

EU, Turkey, Greece and other conflicts are clear examples of the mess the world is in

EU, Turkey, Greece and other conflicts are clear examples of the mess the world is in

Conventions on Human Rights? Universal Declarations? Not worth the paper they are written on. Wherever you look, the world is a state of flux. Chaotic situations and golf post that keep changing NATO is no more than the direct consequence of widespread corruption. Dwight Einsenhower alerted about the dangers of the weapons industries becoming all two powerful.

Where there is no conflict, conflicts are created to allow the blood spilling industries to prosper. Look at the Americas, at Africa, at the Middle East and Asia Minor, at Asia itself. Of each conflict the direct consequence is massive flows of displaced populations that are used as pawns. Suddenly, border fences are erected and desperate people end up being killed. 

The present chaos cannot go on forever without causing war between other countries and Europe must get ready for war. This is not going to end up well. The very existence of NATO and of the UN, two organisations born out of World War Two, is being threatened. The Twenty-First Century is not the Twentieth Century and we find outself totally unprepared to deal with new challenges.   

Monday 2 March 2020

Corona Virus and Immigration: Yet another reason to restrict immigration

Corona Virus and Immigration: Yet another reason to restrict immigration

The headline "Turkey allows 100,000 immigrants to cross into Greece" is not just about sheer politics. It is a health threat. Vulnerable people entering Europe could well be a bomb about to explode. Immigraiton has always been a health risk. Much of the native aborigine people of the American Continent were wipe out by illnesses brought in by Europeans.

People carry diseases wherever they go and the local populations might not be immune to viruses and bacteria brought in by newcomers. International Treaties and Convention on Assylym and Immigration fail to address health issues. What started in China is now spreading to the rest of the world.

Each country has to take measures to protect itself and if necessary treaties and conventions should be amended or rescinded on health grounds. Protecting local populations is top priority. This is about health and also about National Security.