Friday 5 April 2019

Assange: Some call it asylum, others call it political imprisonment

Julian Assange: Some call it asylum and others call it political imprisonment.

Julian Assange lives in restricted quarters of the Embassy of Ecuador in London. There are video cameras in every room and perhaps the only place where he is not monitored is the bathroom. Everything is recorded. He has no access to a telephone and/or a mobile phone and he doesn't have access to Internet.

Telepathy would be the only way to link up Julian Assange with WikiLeaks. Therefore, blaming Julian Assange for what WikiLeaks does or doesn't do nowadays is absolute nonsense, but it is the kind of nonsense that the American Establishment is used to and the kind of irrationality that the American Establishment considers to be rational..

Despite his weakness, Julian Assange is stronger than those in the United States of America and their accomplices in Britain that try to hide information that should be in the public domain. He could be arrested in the next hours or days but such arrest would only confirm the guilt of his accusers.

Secrecy and corruption are downgrading the United States of America. 

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