Alexander Litvinenko - a British cover up
As the Russian Federation had asked for Boris Berezovsky's return to the Russian Federation, Tony Blair's government could not give him up. After all Boris Berezovsky had facilitated the transit of American and British troops into Afghanistan and was an actual CIA asset.
The fact the Alexander Litvinenko was Boris Berezovsky's second in command was for the Russian Federation exactly what they needed to compromise the British government and force the British government to either return Boris Berezovsky to the Russian Federation or face a gigantic scandal as the man Tony Blair was protecting was acting as a double agent by supporting Czechen Rebels allied to the men that were killing British and American soldiers in Afghanistan and to do so had links with Latin American drug cartels.
Andrei Lugovoi was sent to London to negotiate with Alexander Litvinenko safe passafe for him and his family to the Russian Federation. All sins would be forgiven in exchange for compromising evidence against Boris Berezovsky and against the British government.
When the British got news of the coming of Andrei Lugovoi, they decided in a rush to get rid of Alexander Litvinenko to prevent a scandal and it was fairly easy to blame an innocent called Andrei Lugovoi. After all, the public has been trained to believe that whatever ever bad happens might be the fault of the Russian Federation. War Criminal Tony Blair was not going to stop at anything. After all, he had fabricated a case for war based on fabricated evidence.
I worked for a team supporting Andrei Lugovoi's innocence. The so called radioactive material is fabricated by Britain and was fabricated by Britain at a time when a weapons merchant called Sergei Skrypal, a traitor and a criminal, and other people were targetted.
The time came when without Alexander Litvinenko's help, the Russian Federation could still get to Boris Berezovsky who by then had lost strategic value. Knowing that the British decided to kill Boris Berezovky and other operators close to him. As they could not trust that Roman Abramovich would not reveal the plot, they decided to prevent Roman Abramovich from returning to the United Kingdom.