Sunday 17 July 2022

Hope Not Hate, British Security Services and misguided politicians and political operators created National Action


Hope Not Hate, British Security Services and misguided politicians and political operators created National Action

Some people in this coutry surely disagreed or hated the British National Party and its then Leader Nick Griffin, but the BNP was standing for elections, getting elected representatives, playing by the rules, and by then there was not talk of any real threats or national security issues. 

In fact, there was a time when the BNP has many Counsellors elected, had a Member of the London Assembly Elected and two Members of the European Parliament. Therefore there was no appetite for any unfortunate adventures nor illegal activities. Everybody was playing by the book, but contratry to their names organisations like Hope Not Hate were busy spreading hate and promoting violence by trying to deprive voters of legitimate choices. Finally, the demise of the BNP thanks to do-gooders led to an environment in which individuals like Jack Renshaw, Mark Jones and others went the wrong way and in 2013 National Action was founded not to pursue or engage in legal political activities. They saw the demise of the BNP as living proof that it was no use to take part in legal political activities and this is why the name National Action. This refers to direct actions against those they saw as political enemies.

Years have passed but the same wrong strategies are in place and this includes using anti-terror legislation and in particular Schedule 7 for political purposes, detaining and harassing political operators or even blocking their personal back accounts and blocking party political bank accounts to presumably depriving political movements from the necessary resources that they use to stand in elections. Forced by a party political organisation called Electoral Commission - the Electoral Commission in violation of its remit is preventing political organisations from being registered as political parties and forcing their members to stand as independent candidates in every election where and when they can stand. 

The recent by election in Wakefield - called because of sexual misconduct of the Member of Parliament that represented the said constituency - is a clear example. Police forces were used for political purposes to detain, harass, and prevent political operators from engaging in the lawful business of standing in elections. The latest report indicates that thanks to Police actions bank accounts were frozen or closed down and all done for purposes of political persecution in the United Kingdom.

Just a few days ago at Walworth Police Station near Elephant and Castle in London, I had the opportunity to talk with two members of SO15 - I am always open to talk with members of the British Security Services - to give them advice about the errors of their ways and about how the troglodite measures of Police forces in the United Kingdom are actually promoting terrorism. Quite a few examples of such measures tell me that Security Services in the United Kingdom and this goes down to Police Forces in the United Kingdom are out of their depth and have very little understanding of what is actually happening.

Precisely because of the fact that Nationalist organisations are not being allowed to operate lawfully -  many are not even allowed to registered as political parties and on top of that when they stand independent candidates they suffered politically motivated arrests, harassment, have property seized and bank accounts frozen or closed down - there is the certain danger that individuals deprived of the right to take part in lawful political activities might suddenly decide to engage in other kinds of political activities and seek the support of external organisations or even foreign governments to achieve their aims. 

External organisations and foreign goverments can hit a pot of gold. As anybody rational and knowledgeable enough would understand, people can become national security assets not for Britain but for foreign organisations and foreign goverments. Security Services and the Armed Forces in Britain know that they have been infiltrated by political operators many of whom have strong support within the Security Services and within the Armed Forces. An article published by The Guardian attests to that but timidly refers - sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly to 'far right extremism within the Security Services and the Armed Forces'.

God help Britain if there is ever a war in Europe. There is every sign that Britain will be attacked from within. When it comes to politics and geopolitics, there are no national borders anymore and British Security Services, politicians and mass media can naively believe that blocking financial resources in the United Kingdom they will prevent well trained operators from doing whatever they set themselves to achieve. For example, financial resources can be transfered without registered bank accounts. Although British troops are not formally deployed in a theatre of war in Europe, the war is already taking place in many different forms and this is being reflected by economic realities. Does anybody understand that present economic uncertainties and political instability are caused by geopolitical decisions adopted by the British government? When you try to destabilize another country because of what is happening in Ukraine then you are bound to suffer the consequences and this is exactly what is happening. Sanctions and other measures adopted against the Russian Federation are backfiring in a big way and both Western Europe and Eastern Europe are feeling the brunt. 

What role will British Nationalists play? They have no reason to be loyal to a system that seeks to destroy them and in the process destroy Britain. Something very similar is happening in other European countries. In Germany, both industrialists and trade unions fear economic instability leading to political instability. In the Netherlands, we see different interest groups including those involved in transport sectors and farming taking action i.e. farmers acquiring water canons to counter-attack if attacked by Police forces. None other than the Dutch Vice President of the European Commission alerted about the certain danger of social unrest. Ladies and gentlemen, misguided geopolitical decisions and equally misguided environmental policies will lead Europe towards the 1930s. If Europe moves towards the 1930s, who do you think will benefit? And going back to Germany, will the Grünen in Germany be willing to put aside their aspirators if it becomes patently clear that we do need to use more fossil fuels to cope with present challenges? How long will Herr Olaf Scholz coalition last?

SO15, British Police forces, politicians and mass media need to understand that although geographically Britain might be a group of islands we cannot be in isolation in terms of economic, social and political developments happening right now in Europe. They must also understand that blocking individuals and preventing them from participating in lawful political activities they are creating an even greater danger in the United Kingdom.

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