Thursday 14 July 2022

Gerhard Schröder: Burning links will only bring war in Europe a lot closer

Gerhard Schröder: Burning links will only bring war in Europe a lot closer

SPD has targetted its former leader and former German Chancellor for not wanting to join the movement towards war in Europe.
If German is destabilized by yet another war, the Fourth Reich will be born and those who now target Gerhard Schröder will be the ones that will fall the first when the debacle beings.

SPD is the head of a very weak coalition becaused SPD became head of a coalition without having won a significantly bigger number of votes. Olaf Scholz has a very hot potato in his hands. Industrialists and Workers joined forces 70 or so years ago and might join forces again when German manufacturing and the German economy in general falters. They will be asking for solutions that SPD will not be able to provide.

The National Socialist Workers' Party achieved what until then had become impossible because Liberals and Communists could not possible offer the economic solutions that were desperately needed. They offered the German version of the American New Deal. The present coalition cannot satisfy all sides and as the Greens keep putting pressure downwards with their ideological postulates about the environment, a German economy will once again face higher prices and unemployment of such levels that the political situation will become increasingly unstable leading to social unrest. As the CDU/CSU collapsed because it could not provide answers and as the SPD collapses, the direct alternative will be Alternative für Deutschland.

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