Saturday 11 April 2020

Patriotic Alternative responds to Anne Marie Waters

This blog has been falsely/misguidedly linked to a political organisation called British National Party. We are not in any way, shape or form linked to such organisation.

Patriotic Alternative responds to Anne Marie Waters

The tragedy of so called British Nationalism is that some of those portraying themselves as British Nationalists are driven by arguments that have little to do with promoting British interests. Confusing arguments born out of desperation in an attempt to be politically meaningful.

In a conversation I had with Anne Marie Waters, the key issue was that meetings organised by Anne Marie Waters and those linked to Anne Marie Waters kept being cancelled or rejected indicating that those who own venues or manage venues don't wish to be associated with Anne Marie Waters.

In politics, perception is critically important. For Britan, has incorporated elements of the British National Party that were associated with the very same ideas that Anne Marie Waters says that she rejects. None other than Julian Leppert was elected Councillor representing the British National Party and now he represents For Britain as Councillor - their only Councillor.

It appears that Anne Marie Waters hasn't done her research properly. In a desperate attempt to build a power base, she has incorporated members of the Far Right that were and are directly linked to the very same things that she talks against. 

Here, Anne Marie Waters appears surrounded by prominent figures of the British National Party, including Eddy Butler, the mastermind of the British National Party electoral success in Barking and Dagenham that got 12 Councillor elected and one of the British National Party stalwarts that got Richard Barnbrook elected as Member of the London Assembly. She might persuade those who are not aware of the political background of her core supporters. I don't think that Anne Marie Waters is a naive individual. I think that she is being disingenous.

The comment made by a well-known political activist was 'I think that she was very badly advised to make a video attacking Mark Collett and Patriotic Alternative'. Mark Collett was also a prominent British National Party member.

Jeffrey Marshall, also a prominent British Party member, posed as a friend of Jewish Communities. Here he was at a Synagogue, wearing a yamaka and taking part in a religious ceremony.   

Most of the core members of For Britain, including the only elected representative (Julian Leppert), have one thing is common. They are all former members of the British National Party. What led Anne Marie Waters to publish a video directly attacking Patriotic Alternative? 

The British National Party is everywhere. It is in For Britain, in Patriotic Alternative and in Britain First as Paul Golding was also a prominent member of the British National Party. Many of those supporting Tommy Robinson - including Tommy Robinson himself - can be traced back to the British National party. In fact, For Britain and several other groups are the direct consequence of the fragmentation of the British National Party that went though a similar process as the National Front from which it derived.
Here you see Tommy Robinson at a British National Party meeting listening to Richard Edmonds. Was Tommy Robinson unaware of the ideas of Richard Edmonds who was a vital link with National Front? I have met Tommy Robinson quite a few times. I don't think that Tommy Robinson was or is a naive individual. He left the BNP and went on to join the English Defense League that is fervently anti-Islam. In 2013, he left the English Defense League, criticized EDL, but took over its anti-Islam platform that he shares with Anne Marie Waters.

In fact, all groups that came out of the British National Party and the British National Party itself share the anti-Islam platform. Fragmentation was not the consequence of ideological differences. Fragmentation was very much the consequence of personalities and internal feuds.

At practically all rallies in support of Tommy Robinson or Anne Marie Waters, you see Israeli flags. This would lead some operators to think that Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie Waters are supporters of Zionists and of the State of Israel. Are they? How much do Jewish Communities actually support Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie Waters?

In the muddy world of British politics, it is difficult to know who stands for what. This is why, regardless of any statements of Anne Marie Waters - as long as much of her power base is directly traceable to the British National Party - her attempts to disassociate herself from certain political platforms will not change public perception. 

Today, Britain is very much focused on the tragedy generated by Corona Virus. Most people don't have the time nor the inclination to engage in profound political analysis and the days in which so many are losing their lives do not seem to be the proper time to discuss certain political issues. When the present health crisis is hopefully over, I believe that Britain will be in many ways a different country.

To rebuild Britain, we will need real politicians working together for the common good. Those existing on the fringes of British politics, driven by personality feuds and empty slogans will be as irrelevant as ever before.

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