Sunday 26 April 2020

Covid-19: good example as weapon

Covid-19: good example as weapon

Covid-19 shows the destructive potential of biological weapons. Biological weapons can cause mayhem socially, economically and politically. While a conventional weapon has relative effect, a biological weapon can completely destabilize an entire country. In just a few weeks, Covid-19 has become practically the one subject of conversation.

Since World War Two, nuclear weapons have been seen as the ultimate deterrent that could prevent major conflicts between countries. Who needs to use nuclear weapons when biological weapons can do a much better job. Even warships loaded with the most advanced technologies cannot operate if crews are infected with biological weapons. Wars can be fought if there is a viable economy to support the war effort. 

Major countries have been affected by Corona Virus and they happen to be members of the NATO alliance.

This is the progressions of numbers of deaths in the UK from the start until today.

Do you honestly believe that it is going to end up soon? Mortality as of today stands at 13.97%. This means that approximately 14 people out of a 100 who get infected are going to die.

But this is not the whole picture. This is long term. WHO itself has stated that there is no guaranteed immunity. Dramatic changes in terms of lifestyle are going to produce dramatic changes in terms of economics and dramatic changes in terms of economics produce political changes. The geopolitical map of the world will not be the same.

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