Monday 18 February 2019

Peter Rushton: Badly misinformed about the character of English Law

Peter Rushton: Badly misinformed about the character of English Law

Once again, Peter Rushton has been found wanting on the pages of Heritage and Destiny. Under the title "Chabloz succeeds in criminalizing Holocaust denial", Peter Rushton blatantly shows that he knows very little about English Law in this regard.

As a matter of fact, Holocaust denial is not a crime in English Law and therefore nothing of what happened last week at Southwark Crown Court changes such fundamental fact.

If Mr Rushton had bothered to show up during the three days of the deliberations at Southwark Crown Court he would have been able to produce a better report of what happened at Southwark Crown Court.

Mr Rushton then writes about the ill informed views of Richard Edmonds about the trial.

That’s because the earlier court judgment could not set a precedent: it applied only to Ms Chabloz’s particular case. Richard Edmonds warned in an article for the Heritage & Destiny website published on January 2nd – ‘Does Alison Chabloz know what she’s doing? Or criminalising “Holocaust”-revisionism by the back door’. Mr Edmonds’ warning has been fully vindicated this week.
He wrote:
“This is not the case with the findings of a Crown Court. It is not impossible that should in February Ms. Chabloz lose her appeal at Southwark Crown Court, then her case, involving as it does elements of the so-called ‘Holocaust’, could be used as a legal precedent to launch criminal prosecutions against Historical revisionists by the back-door, so to speak, in the absence of any formal laws in Britain banning ‘Holocaust’-denial.”
Once again, Richard Edmonds himself shows lack of acumen regarding the legal process and makes assumptions that are not based on fact. Richard Edmonds is writing about something he didn't witness and knows very little about.

Unfortunately, Peter Rushton - a man classed as a historian - couldn't stick to facts because neither him nor Richard Edmonds bothered to show up to really know what happened. 

It is fact that certain countries like France consider that Holocaust Denial is a crime. In the United Kingdom, Holocaust Denial is not a crime and a three day trial did not set up a precedent of any kind in this regard.

It is fact that millions of Jews were harassed, persecuted, tortured and killed in a variety of ways. No amount of revisionism can change that. Playing with numbers doesn't change the horrendous nature of what happened.

To say that the Holocaust didn't happen is to say that Adolf Hitler never existed, that Mein Kampf was never written, that the speeches made about getting rid of Jews were never made, that the Geheime Staatspolizei, the Schutzstaffel, the Waffen SS and even end units of the Wehrmacht proper were not committed to the expulsion, imprisonment and eradication of Jews.

This is John Tyndall, high ranking official of the National Front and later founder of the BNP of whom Richard Edmonds was a great admirer. Most probably one of the reasons why so called members of National Action show themselves with the same flag. White supremacists, Jew haters. 

We are talking about National Socialists that refuse to accept one of the core principles of National Socialism. The Holocaust did happen. We can discuss about numbers, about places and about methods used but no amount of discussion can erase what actually happened.

All the talk about who is and who isn't a revisionist coming from the authors of Heritage and Destiny is absolute crap generated by personal animosity and hatred.



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