Alison Chabloz counters vicious attacks launched by Peter Rushton
In response to my emotionally-challenged in-house critics and
their demands for my SURGICAL REMOVAL from movement circles
“Look at your own lives,
everyone of you: imagine that suddenly you have people against you saying 'you
are a liar' or whatever ... and they are unable to find anything wrong in your
Robert Faurisson, Shepperton, October 20th 2018.
Thanks to TEAM
RIVAROL for kindly inviting me to respond to the article signed Peter RUSHTON,
translated on p. 2 of RIVAROL n° 3365, Le
révisionnisme pourrait devenir un délit en GrandeBretagne : Vincent Reynouard
est en grand danger! [lit. Revisionism
risks being criminalised in
Britain: Vincent Reynouard is in grave danger!]. My gratitude in
particular goes to RIVAROL editor Mr. Jérôme Bourbon for having redacted
Rushton's ad hominem and personal
abuse present in the original English publication.
Indeed, the
English version of Rushton's most recent commentary [Chabloz succeeds in criminalising
'Holocaust denial'] is the latest in an
aggravating series of four defamatory articles published by
& Destiny [H&D], beginning November 26th 2018 with an
astonishing statement1 , signed by
Rushton, Michele Renouf, Richard
Edmonds and “approved” by Guillaume Nichols, Joe Fallisi and Fred Leuchter,
accusing me of being a “traitor and a saboteur”. Without a shred of evidence,
the abovenamed persons accuse me, in public, of having informed Left wing
“charity” Hope Not Hate of the October 20th conference in
Shepperton near London and, indirectly, for being ultimately responsible for
the death of Professor Robert Faurisson the following day.
In contrast to RIVAROL offering a right to reply, the media strategy of
Mr. Rushton and H&D as far as I am concerned has been to carry on smearing
Three further H&D articles -
as well as French and English versions of a YouTube video uploaded by Vincent
Reynouard following my recent re-trial at Southwark Crown Court – strongly
suggest that my detractors not only wish to see me isolated from
revisionist-nationalist ranks here in Britain, but that they are attempting to
sever links I worked hard to foster with French and international
revisionistnationalist colleagues. Astonishingly,
in both the recent English H&D article and Reynouard's video, Rushton
insists that I have never been part of the revisionist-movement and that my
supporters would be wise to immediately withdraw their support, including their
financial donations.
More worryingly still, Rushton's
defamatory publications have now led to threats of violence against my person. First posted on the UK Vanguard News Network nationalist forum, these comments state
that there is now apparently a £10,000 bounty on my head, along with a threat
of acid being thrown in my face if I dare to attend any future
nationalist-revisionist events. (These violent threats were originally
drawn to my attention when they were copied and pasted to the comments section
of Reynouard's recent YouTube video of his “interview” with Rushton).
Several forwarded emails
originally penned by Rushton provide further clear evidence of this deliberate
and ongoing smear campaign. A campaign of defamation not only against me
personally, but perhaps also intended to destabilise and undermine the
revisionist cause itself.
On November 26 and December 2
2018, Peter Rushton sent two emails to an English compatriot. In the first, he
states, adding his own emphasis:
“Chabloz had to be denounced and had to be surgically
removed from Movement circles... I know Chabloz lied about the 'Agence
Bocage' article for which she blamed Michele Renouf at the start of the whole
business and I know why she lied. I spoke face to face with the actual
publisher of that piece last week.”
Vincent Reynouard confirms that a
conversation between him and Rushton did indeed take place after the Shepperton
event. However, contrary to Rushton's and others' claims, Reynouard strongly
denies any involvement with the Agence
Bocage article published just after my original trial began in January
2018 2. I stand by
my original claim that the Agence Bocage
hatchet job was instigated by Michele Renouf under the influence of her
strategic thinker, Peter Rushton. Indeed, both the original and translated
versions of Rushton's latest article echo the opinions expressed by the
“anonymous” author of the Agence Bocage piece.
Likewise, the mysterious author's fears over Reynouard's eventual extradition
and imprisonment are reinterated in one H&D defamatory piece authored by
veteran Nationalist Richard Edmonds 3. January 2018,
following publication by Agence Bocage,
Edmonds circulated the article via email (but not to me), gossiping that I had
been “bocaged” and that Reynouard and I had fallen out “big time” - at the
time, news to me. In short, if Vincent
Reynouard did not publish this article, then perhaps the real author/editor now
needs to step forward.
In his second email of December 2nd,
Rushton continues:
“Our investigation of what went wrong at Shepperton is not
part of a political party or a student debating society: as such I do not
respond to demands for 'proof', especially not Ms Chabloz's demands - I carry
out an investigation only as I see fit. Since this was my event that was
disgracefully betrayed, and especially considering Prof. Faurisson 's death
weekend, I will be able to provide judge, jury and executioner.”
Thus, from judge, jury and executioner,
to today's price tag of £10,000 on my head and the threat of an acid attack –
result of an investigation carried out as
seen fit by Mr. Rushton.
Judging by Mr. Rushton's chequered past within British nationalism – including
being banned from the British National Party in 2002 4
– one cannot help but note the similarity of Rushton's investigatory approach
with that of the East German Communist tribunal in John Le Carré's Cold War
espionage novel, The Spy Who Came In From
The Cold. Rushton's wording is an almost exact repetition of the Communist
Party judge: evidence against double agent Hans-Dieter Mundt will be heard as
the tribunal sees fit 5.
As shown by the persecution and prosecution of revisionists, Soviet style
investigation tactics are still very much in operation throughout the “free”
west and especially in Europe. However,
deployment of such manifestly disloyal methods within the truth-seeking
revisionist-nationalist community itself can only be described as exceedingly
worrying, if not downright sinister.
As for last month's ruling, it
seems that, according to the venomous Mr. Rushton and his handful of
emotionally-challenged allies, it is wiser to simply shut up and do as we're
told by the opposition rather than stand in the arena and fight back. Why no
condemnation from Rushton & Co of the enemies of the free speech? Why no
support for artistic expression? Why no demands for open and honest debate on
matters “Holocaust”? Does Rushton's approach include similar condemnation of
Dieudonné vs France, ECHR N° 25239/13 –
cited during my trial by the prosecutor and in the court's ruling?
Since proceedings began, Rushton and Renouf have done
everything in their power to undermine and discredit my contribution to the
cause: censorship of my songs in Vichy 2017 at Robert Faurisson's 88th birthday
celebration; approval of Agence Bocage's
2018 hatchet job; childishly grotesque demands that I am to be excluded from
nationalist-revisionist conferences; accusations without proof of betrayal and
sabotage; lies and ritual defamation including holding me responsible for the
death of Robert Faurisson; all indicating a course of action intended to bring
about – in Rushton's most ungracious terms –
my “surgical removal from movement circles”. Little wonder that the
highly respected late German nationalist, Manfred Roeder, described those who
indulge in such dishonourable behaviour as “rogues and cutthroats” 6.
This “legal precedent” (true only in the most marginal sense)
of which Rushton, Renouf and Reynouard complain - well, from my point of view,
it is Rushton and Renouf themselves who are in part responsible because there
was no need for my case to go to court in the first place. Uploaded to YouTube
whilst I was in Switzerland, the video of my song (((Survivors))) was outside
the jurisdiction of England and Wales. As
Rushton admits in RIVAROL and H&D, he “personally felt my trial was
winnable” - to the extent that he then even proposed himself as “expert”
defence witness as part of my legal team.
Ultimately, is Peter Rushton to
be congratulated? There are many who believe that my trial has brought the
revisionist cause well and truly under the spotlight here in Britain. With
regard to the sensationalist and absurd statement that I would be responsible
for the criminalization of 'Holocaust denial', perhaps after examining his own
role in this case, Rushton would do well to spit his venom at my accusers and
their puppets, rather than simply parroting their rhetoric whilst seeking to
undermine one of his compatriots.
My case will now continue in the
Divisional Court to challenge the legal points of "sending" =
downloading / sharing links on a "public" electronic network.
Finally, I cannot conclude
without expressing my deepest gratitude to my solicitor Kevin LowryMullins and
my barrister Adrian Davies for remaining loyal and steadfast over the past two
Bravo and thank you to those who truly support all
revisionists, the revisionist cause and the right to freedom of expression.
Chabloz, February 28th 2018.
The sabotage of Prof. Robert Faurisson’s Shepperton
meeting: informants exposed; Heritage
and Destiny, Preston, UK; 2018.
Chabloz: stragtégie problématique et danger réel; Agence Bocage, Green Lanes, London, 2018.
Alison Chabloz know what she’s doing? Or criminalising “Holocaust”-revisionism
by the back door; Heritage and Destiny, Preston, UK; 2019.
4. Considerations For Proscription – A BNP
Booklet; British National Party, 2002.
5.The Spy
Who Came In From The Cold, p. 180; John Le Carré, Hodder and Stoughton
Ltd., London, 1963.
Deutsche Bürgerinitiative newsletter
n° 11/12, p. 3; Schwarzenborn, Germany, 2013.