Thursday 15 November 2018

Brexit: To be or not to be

Brexit: To be or not to be

The crisis that arose out of an impossibility is reaching a new climax. You cannot be and not be at the same time. You cannot be out of the EU and in the EU at the same time.

Brexiteers want an all out which is the real OUT and not the fake OUT proposed by Remainers that want to stay in by pretending that being out can be also mean to be in.

If you stay in the Common Market, if you stay in the Customs Union, you cannot possibly be out. If the price to stay in the Common Market and in the Customs Union is to continue following EU Rules, you cannot possibly be out. Out must mean out. Out means total freedom. Partial out means becoming a colony of the EU. 

What will happen to Prime Minister Theresa May? Well, there are several possible outcomes. She can manipulate the Conservative Party but has to also be able to persuade the Opposition for a deal with EU to be approved by the House of Commons. She could face a leadership challenge and fail to get enough support or she could face a leadership challenge and be removed from office. She could face a vote of No Confidence in the House of Commons and this would mean that the Conservative will have to choose a successor. Some mention the possibility of an advanced General Election but we must remember that the Conservative/Liberal Democrat Coalition that took office in 2010 change the way General Elections are called and created the concept of Fixed Term Parliament. Legislation would have to be approved in the House of Commons to be able to call an advanced General Election. Are there enough votes in the House of Commons to call an advanced General Election?

Angela Merkel stated this evening that there won't be any other deal, thus closing the door to any negotiation. Therefore, for the British Parliament, this is case of 'take it or leave it'. If the House of Commons rejects the deal presented by Theresa May and supported by EU, there is not going to be any deal. Remainers keep fantasising about a new deal that is not actually on the cards because EU has already rejected the possibility of any other deal.

EU is profoundly anti-democratic. EU is run by what we could call Democratic Centralism - the way the Communist Party operated in the Soviet Union = Decisions taken inside a cabinet in total secrecy without any Parliamentary scrutiny. Britain is a Parliamentary Democracy and Brexit means being a Parliamentary Democracy. Having Brexit means maintaining the democratic way of life. If you are given the choice between being in a Parliamentary Democracy or in a Soviet Democratic Centralism, what would you choose?



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