Thursday, 6 March 2025

Unconditional Surrender: Lessons from World War Two


The words Unconditional Surrender bring echoes of World War Two to the present conflict in Ukraine. After the Battle of Kursk, the greatest tank battle in Human History, Germany knew that it would be all the way to Berlin.

It dawning on EU Leaders and UK Leaders that as a long as the battle goes on there will be no ceasefire and this is why they now understand that unless a permanent solution is found before forces of the Russian Federation reach Kiev there will be nothing left to negotiate. EU or UK could hardly stand as "peacekeepers" when they have been supporting one of the sides in the conflict against the Russian Federation.

Macron and Starmer should be under no illusion. This is why after making extraordinary statements they will be on their way to Washington. They very well know that France, Britain and others are fully unprepared at a time when they are facing extraordinary national challenges. Britain has no Independent Nuclear Deterrent. Without US support, Trident is finished. Without American aircraft, the Royal Navy has no jets for its newest aircraft carriers. No one has nearly enough the number of enlisted men and women to face any serious challenge. They can kick and scream against the USA, but they know that without the USA, EU and UK are finished. So back to the USA, to mend relations with the USA. Lord Mandelson was criticized for saying that UK should implement President Trump´s Plan for Peace. Now, France, UK and Ukraine go to kneel down in Washington and to accept terms of engagement.

Macron seizes opportunity to divert attention from France´s serious internal issues


It does not go amiss that having made several decisions that led to absolute political chaos in France and to the inability of passing a budget without the threat of having Prime Ministers forced to resign, President Macron is now using the present issues about Ukraine as an opportunity to unite France behind him. For this General Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri, Ukraine is his Islas Malvinas Moment. 

When things go bad at home, nothing better than making people look elsewhere and look for justifications to ask for monies when the European Union has been alerting France that France has surpassed the allowed National Deficit. So, we France have an independent Nuclear Deterrent and we want to use it to protect you. Very interesting since Britain´s nuclear deterrent is neither British nor Independent. France and Germany have decided to start rearming themselves at quick pace and so France is planning to do exactly the same.

The major problem is that that rules about the EURO will have to change and major deficits will have to be allowed at a time when economic uncertainties are undermining national economies. So as Paul Samuelson put it - Butter or Cannons - Macron has decided to go for Cannons. Elegant justification to forget about Health, Education and other major areas of public administration. France can still rely on Britain to unload tens of thousands of illegal migrants. But, for how long? Countries like Italy and France itself have decided to get rid of Ukrainian refugees. Hardlines on migration, across the Europen Continent, are rising and rearming Europe has other disadvantages. You can never trust that today´s allies will be real allies and flash political changes can certainly lead to confrontation within the EU itself.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

As always, Europeans create wars and US lives are spent to rescue them


Europeans created wars and US had to intervene to rescue them. World War One? World War Two? 

How many of those protesting on the streets will be willing to join the Armed Forces to go and die?

So, now the new American government is telling them that the US is not willing to engage in WWIII.

Suddendly, quite a few warmongers will fall quiet. How was the Good Friday Agreement negotiated? How was the Camp David Agreement between Egypt and Israel negotiated? You need to talk to the sides involved in the conflict. Politicians and media want you to believe a lie and accuse US of selling out when it fact all US is trying to is to bring the sides to the negotiating table.

I have got many reasons to criticize the US, but the intention to bring the parties together to end the war is not one of them. Dealing with reality is the best thing that anyone can do. The longer the conflict goes on the greater the chances of having a catastrophe in Europe.