Tuesday 16 April 2024

If Israel persists, things will be worse for all concerned


If Israel persists in its attempts to provoke Iran, economies around the world will suffer and the chances of a widespread all out war will increase.

The Middle East is still one of the richest nations when it comes to energy resources that most countries in the world need. If for whatever reason, the Middle East ceases to be what it is in terms of energy resources, energy prices worldwide will skyrocket and world economies that are now on the brink or already in crisis will fall apart with tragic social and political consequences.

The Red Sea and the Suez Canal are still key areas for world energy and world trade. Already insurance premiums in certain parts of the wold are rising - if a region is seen as dangerous, then transport across the said region will cost more in accordance to the danger. If an oil cargo is sunk then the spread of oil and damages to sea life and the environment will be added to financial costs. But there are also other risks that must be taken into consideration. If the Jordan River were to be poisoned, a vital supply of water for local and regional populations will be compromised. You can have as many weapons you could possibly have, but the absence of drinkable water can make any amount of weapons absolutely useless. Chemical or biological contamination could render habited areas uninhabitable. Water is a make or break resource. When one country threatens to use a harsher response, you don't forcefully think about weapons or troops. You must think about vital resources and if you cannot protect vital resources then your country has no future at all. For Israel, no amount of American aide can replace water. Without usable water, Israel or any other country will be finished.

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