Friday 27 October 2023

The Lion's logic and the nature of war


The Lion's Logic and the nature of war

Adolf Hitler said that once war starts there are no civilians. This goes together with the Lion's Logic. 

Lion's have to fight with other Lions to assert their power and when they prevail the most probable outcome is that the cubs of the defeated Lion are killed.

My father explained the Lion's Logic to me in very simple terms. If you allow the children of your enemies to survive, they will be a constant danger to your own existence.

The reason the Jews, men, women and children, were sent to the camps for extermination is that Germany was following the Lion's Logic. You don't allow children to live to become a threat to your own existence. The fact that Zionism and Israel do exist proves that Adolf Hitler was right in this regard. If you allow any survivors then your own survival will be in doubt.

The logic of the Palestinian conflict between Palestinian and Jews is living proof that since the Lion's Logic is not being applied. As long as Palestinian children are left alive and as lond as Jewish children are left alive the conflict will go on and on and on. Extermination is the only sure solution.

In war there are no civilians. There are only friends and foes. All sides proved that there are no civilians. The thought when bombing British cities and when bombing German cities was pretty evident. There were no civilians. There were Britons and Germans and the idea was to kill as many as possible to prevail. The defeated don't make good material. The sick and the infirm don't make good material. The disabled don't make good material. The sexually dysfunctional - including those mentally sexually dysfunctional - must be exterminated to build a stronger nation. Violence exists for a very good reason.

Refugees are inferior people. People who refuse to stand up and fight.

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