Wednesday 28 June 2023

I met Dan Korski last Saturday - he has the talents needed to be a candidate


I met Dan Korski last Saturday at a political meeting and I was very much impressed because of his delivery as a communicator that is consistent, coherent and has the don of oratory and this is something that not always characterizes those standing for public office.

When he talks much more than a speech it feels like a conversation with every member of the audience and he engages with you in very much the same way. It feels like a conversation between mates. Direct, frank, inspirational. 
There has been some criticism regarding short-lists and perhaps if, as several Members of Parliament have asked for, there is a reopening of the selection process then the Conservative Party will be able to find candidates who have such a don for oratory.

I feel that in recent years the Conservative Party has had a propensity towards panicking. Whatever has happened is merely the word of one person against another without any hard evidence. The Conservative Party feels so insecure that it is bound to bend the knee sacrificing people and sacrificing Conservative values. People need to vote for a political party that trusts itself and adopts firm stances in terms of its true beliefs and, I am afraid to say, the present Conservative does seem to trust itself and does not believe in firm stances. It is faltering all along. 

I look at Her Majesty's Opposition and I don't see any self-trust and I don't see any real beliefs. Keir Starmer showers people with words going one way and soonafter showers people with words going in the opposite direction. 

For several years people have spoken about the need to change the electoral system, of adopting PR instead of FPTP, or having a fully elected second chamber, et cetera. The major problem is not the electoral system or the lack of a fully elected second chamber. The problem in British politics is the lack of quality individuals, the lack of people that have a vision of what they want to achieve. 

I felt that Dan Korki really and trully knows what he wants to achieve and also knows how to achieve, but the fact that he eliminated himself, that he stood down as a candidate, will hopefully force the Conservative Party to reflect. The Conservative Party must forget about factional allegiances and focus on getting the best candidate for the job.

I happened to witness speeches made by two candidates for the London Assembly. One was literally reading a previously written speech and the other was making a consistent, coherent and well made speech without any written text. The person selected to stand for election was the one who read a written speech full of lethanies, showing no conviction, no enthusiasm whatsoever. 

If you as a candidate don't have the talent to improvise your own speech, if you don't have the talent to generate enthusiasm and motivate voters to support you, you shouldn't be a candidate in the first place. 

It is absolutely lamentable that a candidate that has what is needed to be a candidate is no longer standing. 


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