Friday 16 December 2022

War in Europe: Wann wird man je verstehen?


War in Europe: Wann wird man je verstehen?

Listening to politicians, to the mass media and even to the present Head of Nato, one would believe that what happened in Europe 70 or so years ago never happened.

As the build up for yet another European-wide war continues, we see that the memories of World War Two are been flashed away to encourage the new generations to get involved in yet another war - and perhaps the final war for millennia to come as it is more than likely that nuclear weapons will be used to erase every single European capital. Talking about the merits of Democracy, what is happening right now speaks volumes against Democracy. Democracy is a political form of governance that gives a blank cheque to politicians to erase Humanity from planet Earth.

Politicians do not represent us and they simply use the powers given to them to do as they please and lead us towards Armageddon. Strikes happening right now in Britain, the state of upheaval in Britain, was created by catastrophic geopolitical decisions that led to economic instability that mixed with an arms race will not only cause instability, but will also push us towards extinction.

Those who remember what happened after Chernobyl - it was merely an accident that affected reactors at an energy plant - know full well what will happen if a Nuclear Holocaust is triggered intentionally. The entire continent will be uninhabitable for ages to come. Our way of life will be gone forever. Thousands of years of social and technological evolution will be wiped out. Whoever manages to survive will have to live in a human jungle without any rules. It will be about killing or being killed in a state of widespread lethal anarchy. This is Mad Max World.

We must prepare for a new world in which the weak will be naturally exterminated and natural selection will determine who lives and who dies, a world without mercy. In this new world, Charles Darwin's evolution rules will be more apparent than ever before. In a lawless world, only the strong and the most brutal will have the slightest chance to live another day. 

This was Germany by the end of World War Two. This might be Europe by the end of World War Three.

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