Monday 3 May 2021

China: Wars are about money


It is no secret that while USA has been waging wars on credit and getting increasingly into debt, China has beed working hard, spreading its influence across the world and investingly heavely in the UK, in the USA and in many other countries.

The 2008 financial crisis is a clear example of how the USA has been operating, getting into debt, fuelling or creating conflicts around the world and using the consequences of conflicts it has created to invest more and more in the weapons industries - investing monies that the USA does not really have.

When the obvious consequence of such folly becomes self-evident, the recipe to ignore where the root of the problem really lies is to blame China and Russia as if demonising China and Russia the problems of the USA could be magically solved.

The conflict in Ukraine, for example, is a Ukrainian issue, but it is constantly used by the USA to justify massive military deployments. The conflict in Hong Kong and in Taiwan is a Chinese issue, but once again it is used by the USA to justify accusations about 'Chinese aggression and lack of democracy'. China has been a Comunist country since the days of Mao Tse-Tung, but the West including the USA were very happy to ignore whatever was going on in China because they wanted to invest in China to make money by using cheap labour and then sell manufactured products back in the West.

China took the transfers of resources and increasing indebtness of the West - including the USA - to develop its own economy and perfect technology to compete with the West and buy in the West whatever it could buy. China buys soy from Argentina and invests in Brazil in the creation of gateways to link the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean across Brazil. China invests in Africa because Africa is rich in mineral resources that China really and trully needs to develop its industries. China invests in New Zealand and Australia that now see their economic future that depends on their relationship with China.

While America speculates with dubious financial investments that ruin its economy and condemn millions of Americans to abject poverty, China - despite its ideological stance - is creating more wealth that the USA and heading towards pole position when it comes to world powers. 

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