Saturday 14 November 2020

Western World: Things are going dramatically wrong and there is very little leadership on the horizon

Things are going dramatically wrong. All we see is chaos, division and confrontation. Balance is missing and people are taking to the streets. It won't be long before civil strife erupts and becomes widespread. The old certainties are no more and the political establishments offer no options, but the options to try and save themselves at the expense of everbody else.

Millions of eyes are watching as the Western World collapses and minds are thinking about replacing the old centres of power. Money is no longer a tool for power when money can be made by printing trillions of worthless banknotes. The real power is the power of disruption as businesses go bust and with them go the dreams of economic recovery and political stability.

Whether Covid-19 is a biological weapon or isn't a biological weapon is beside the point. The damage done to the Western World is now irreversible. Little will be as it was before. Societies have changed. Mass consumption as the main driver of the Western World is going down. People are now focusing on essentials that they need for survival. Whether the elites still buy stuff that no one actually needs is irrelevant. The masses are the real engine of economies across the world. If the consumption habits of the masses change, the world changes.

Covid-19 is not just killing individuals. Covid-19 is killing the Western World and Western World values. The mobs are not interested in the rule of law. The mobs have their own laws that are making peaceful coexistence virtually impossible. 

The political establishments have been shown for what they are: nothing more than money grabing scoundrels that protect their privileges while the rest fall apart. Democracy never was more than a word used to fool billons of people across the world.. The difference is that now we can clearly see Democracy as a fake product of mass manipulation created to protect vested interests.

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