Tuesday 13 October 2020

Covid-19: The Solution as solution and as cause of other problems

 Covid-19 and Lockdowns

Covid-19 and the new realities generated by the measures put in place to deal with the spread of the disease have a turned a health issue into a political battlefield. As if this wasn't enough, social, emotional, and political consequences have made Covid-19 much more than the cause of a pandemia. 

In Britain, a stagnating political system has been proven to be totally incapable of dealing with the realities created by Covid-19. A sizeable number of Members of Parliament never had a real job. They were parachuted into politics with very little or no experience of the real world and they are now trapped when critical decisions are being made. The weight of political allegiances or pragmatic and realistic solutions needed to deal with a crisis. 

Unfortunaltely for them and for the United Kingdom as a whole, party politics will not help Britain tackle what is now running out of control nor tackle the consequences of the measures implemented to deal with the health crisis.

While politicians argue with each other pretending that they are achieving something worth achieving, they are just moving chairs on a sinking Titanic. Whether Lockdown works or doesn't work, there are for starters very stark financial challenges ahead. Not in the long distant future, but in the immediate future. 

Furlough schemes are just a short-term mesure, a delaying mesure. Before the Covid-19 crisis, many were facing the wall in financial terms. All the talk about Britain being all about services in spite of everything and regardless of everthing was based on the belief that Britain could export jobs to China and other developing economies, sacrifice manufacturing, farming and fisheries in dubious dealings witht the European Union and life would be brillian for ever and ever.

In 2008, the "services" ideology was brought into question and Gordon Brown had to plug resources away from the real economy to rescue the "services industries". Having said that, in 2020, the picture is quite different. With the economy in tatters and the prospect of mass unemployment, the British Treasury is hemorraging resources. If there were to be another set of circumstances similar to what happened in 2008, Britain doesn't have the means to save the "services industries" all over again. 

In the old days, the game of chairs was the only game in town. When Labour was becoming unpopular, Conservatives were on the wings ready to jump in. When Conservatives seemed to be going downhill, Labour was ready and waiting. This time around, Neither Labour nor Conservatives are their old selves. 

Covid-19 has long ceased to be a health issue. It is now a political issue and in coming months the knives will be out en force. Suddenly, a whole range of issues will be mixed like in some kind of cocktail Molotov. Covid-19, Mass Unemployment, Illegal Immigration, Brexit and many others. This is war and from now on things will only get worse.

The poisonous snakes of the Left will continue doing their treacherous work to destroy the United Kingdom until their heads are cut off.




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