Wednesday 29 January 2020

BBC: Another nail in the coffin after BBC World Service

BBC: Another nail in the coffin after BBC World Service

BBC authorities talk about saving 80 million Pound as part of the effort "to save the BBC". Any talk about cutting executives salaries? For decades the BBC has been paying huge amounts of money coming from the TV License to support luxury lifestyles while at the same getting periodically rid of those who actually do real work at the BBC.

For all the talk about the BBC being trusted across the world thanks to the BBC World Service, the knives came out and dismantled the BBC World Service. They got rid of the independent budget of the BBC World Service and they attached whatever was left to the main BBC. Now, the BBC as a whole is in trouble. 

Throughout the years, cost cutting involved moving many BBC operations out of London, but the BBC aristocracy and those favoured by the BBC aristocracy still got their six, seven and eight digits contracts while those at the lower end of the scale were expendable. When the announcement came about the Victoria Derbyshire Show's demise, BBC authorities not even bothered to tell the news to Victoria Derbyshire. She learnt about her demise by reading a newspaper article.  

Now, let's rewind and remember how the BBC World Service was dismantled. Bit by bit, language services were closed down. The famous headquarters were no more. Bush House as the magnetic centre of the BBC World Service was no more. Now, the same method is being applied. After a very expensive building project to redimension Broadcasting House in Central London, the wine bottle is being emptied. It could very well come the time when the BBC will follow the COI, London Radio Service and British Satellite News.

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