Friday 18 October 2019

Much has been said about Huawei. What about the safety of ordinary communication links?

Much has been said about Huawei. What about the safety of ordinary communication links?

On a daily basis we learn about scams committed using ordinary communcation links in UK. It has gone beyond impersonation. Foreign gangs can now alter information registered by British servers operating links from overseas.

Using computers in India they can, for example, alter the information registered by British Telecom services. When you dial 1471, you are supposed to be told the number that actually called. Not anymore. The fraudsters can now alter at will the numbers registered by British Telecom servers and put in any number that they want as a way not to be tracked down.

We reported the matter to BT authorities, to Members of Parliament and to the Metropolitan Police as servers could be manipulated to extract vital information that could affect not just ordinary people and businesses but also public services including Police and Armed Forces.

How deep this goes is everybody's guess.Next time you receive a spam call think that it could well. be the tip of the iceberg, something involved not just your own personal security but also National Security.

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