Saturday 20 October 2018

BBC shows report indicating that illegal immigration is run by drug cartels as a business

BBC shows report that indicates that illegal immigration is now a business for drug cartels operating worldwide

None other than the BBC produced a report indicating that illegal immigration is now a lucrative business for drug cartels operating worldwide. As drug cartels feel the heat of the fight against drug trafficking they are diversifying their activities engaging in making money out of illegal immigrants from very remote areas of the planet. What is even more gruesome is the fact that those who fall ill along the way are often executed by drug-traffickers and women are routinely raped.

Human beings are now the new commodity of organised crime that seeks to exploit those who are ready and willing to take any risks in search of what they think is going to be a better future and often end up dead and buried along the way.

For the sake of saving human lives, the time is long overdue to put an end to Political Correctness because Political Correctness is killing people. This is a new kind of terrorism that must be countered worldwide with all available resources.

The business of Illegal immigration is a danger to all civilised societies, regardless of political affiliation, regardless of religion, regardless of nationality, and regardless of race.It is an absolute disgrace. Those involved in this kind of trade should face trial for Crimes against Humanity.

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