Sunday, 31 December 2023

On the way to World War Three: This is not the end, not the beginning of the end. It is maybe the end of the beginning


Although, officially, the beginning of World War Two was September 3rd, 1939, in actual fact the World War Two started a lot earlier. 

In the early 1930s, Japan was battling it out with China. In 1936, the Spanish Civil War was yet another step. In 1938, the then Czchecoslovakia so much of its territory taken away. So other things were happening long before German troops launched the atttack against Poland.

Palestine, Ukraine and Yemen are just part of the picture. They are steps towards World War Three. All sides, as it usually the case, try to interpret the opponents' movements, according to what they think is the opponents agenda.

The war in Palestine is a war of extermination. The general idea is to get of Palestinians on the way to the creation of the bigger Israel. When Palestinians are out of the way, or even before that, Israel will use any justification to attack its neighbours. Ir is already waging war against Syria and Lebanon and other countries will be attacked.

The conflict in Ukraine has served to clarify the contradictions of a presumed unified European Union. The European Union is a political project and the controversies in terms of lack of support clearly show that behind the facade of unity there are dangerous differences when countries are asked to choose between the political project and their own national interests.

The conflict in Ukraine is only about winning. In the same manner, that Israel has no intention of allowing Palestinians to have a political solution, in Ukraine there is no political solution. So this is war for years to come and in the process other conflicts will appear, conflicts we have been hearing about as possibilities.

We have repeatedly heard the British Prime Minister, the Secretary for Defense and many other major and minor political personalities talking about doing the walking. The fact remains that in the event of any major conflict Britain is desperately ill equipped. One government after another has totally disregarded the need for Britain to be prepared. They have done the talking, but they haven't done the walking. Britain has barely 40,000 people fit for war of a total of about 73,000 - counting administration staff and cleaning personnel. Britain is not even capable of guarding its own borders or patrolling its own territorial waters.We hear talk about long term projects that mention 2035. Well, what has Britain got today in 2023? 

European politicians talk about their fears of yet another President Trump's presidency. Why? Because they fear that USA will walk away from NATO. Why? Because NATO is the USA. If you look at all other NATO members, they don't have the capacity to wage yet another World War. Germany's development was stiffled on purpose. Germany has been prevented from developing its true potential and German politicians will have to make a huge effort to convince German voters that they need to part with more of their tax monies to build infrasture to prepare the country for war. Germany's bridges and Germany's road have not been built to endure tanks and heavy equipment. But this, as important as it is, is practically nothing compared to the fact that Germany does not have neither the material resources nor the emotional preparedness for war. Decades of blame and apologizing for World War Two have left Germany disabled to even defend itself from aggression. And let us remember that Germany is - even it is poor present state - the biggest economy in Europe.

There are two certain possibilities - vertical escalation and horizontal escalation. Vertical escalation means the use of much more advanced weapons. Horizontal escalation means the spread of war beyond the present boundaries, but there is yet another possibility - vertical and horizontal escalation. Lets see how many countries have the capacity to combine both. Look at both sides of the divide to know what will happen next.

Thursday, 14 December 2023

Grant Shapps: More white elephants instead of beefing up British Armed Forces


New white elephant projets announced while British Armed Forces suffer from lack basic investment and have a manpower crisis.

Systematically, one administration after another has been underinvesting in the British Armed Forces. On top of an endemic lack of manpower caused by recruitment issues, Britain has permanently underestimated the need to raise standards and support for the Armed Forces. Instead, Britain persists in its efforts to repeat the experiences of the Euro Fighter or facing ridiculous situations like the construction of aircraft carriers that had to go without aircraft or had to be returning to port because of technical defficiences. Britain does not have not even enough ships to protect its own territorial waters. Just a few weeks ago, the British Prime Minister had to announced that it was abandoning plans to deliver what was promised in terms of transport infra-structure.

The construction of stealth aircraft that will not be stealth aircraft produces headlines for people to congratulate themselves but it does not improve National Security.

Once again, huge amounts of money that will have to taken out of the public budget (or borrowed) will be thrown away. In the meantime, the country will be struggling to borrow at rising rates of interest. Fancy projects will not make Britain more safer.

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

The Road to Hell: If demonization does not stop, the only way leads to hell on Earth

The Road to Hell: If demonization does not stop, the only way lead to hell on Earth

It is impossible to watch and listen to mass media without listening to demonization messages. Every single minute is being used to exploit stereotypes, to build barriers and to promote violence. How long can this continue before there is disaster of major consequences?

Nowadays it is also impossible not to detect an agenda. Hatred messages are being spread openly and directly, without the faintest attempt to sound impartial or balanced.

Such messages are not about 'love thy neighbour'. They are about hate your neighbour, discriminate against your neighbour, harass you neighbour, blame your neighbour for everything that is going wrong and ultimately about expel your neighbour or kill your neighbour. It is absolutely disgraceful and what is most disgraceful of all is that educated people are the ones promoting such messages.

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned hostages to death


The lull in the fighting was a window of opportunity for peace, but peace is not the objective Benjanmin Netanyahu is trying to achieve. His objective is the obbliteration of the Palestinian peoples as attacks are also being carried out in the West Bank.

Families whose relatives were recovered are now to be followed by families whose relatives are going to die as the re-start of hostilities are a death sentence of Israeli hostages.

What he proposed at one time - the exodus of Palestinians to other countries is exactly what Adolf Hitler proposed at the beginning of the implementation of the repression against Jews in Germany and elsewhere. Send them to Madagascar, Adolf Hitler said. Send them to Palestine, Adolf Hitler said. When all options of sending Jews elsewhere failed because of the start of World War Two, the extermination campaign started with the Final Solution meeting. Benjamin Netahyahu's plans to send Palestinians into a Dispora is no different. As Arab and Muslim countries are reluctant to allow ethnic cleansing in Palestine, Israel attacks them for not accepting ethnic cleansing.

Attacks against Palestinian farmers and erradication of Palestinian in entire areas of the West Bank is no different from the Pogroms carried out against Jewish peoples during before and during World War Two.