Thursday, 15 August 2019

BNP: Information was published on official website

BNP: Information was published on official website

For quite a while, there had been doubts about how many members the British National Party actually has. The answer was given by the British National Party itself on its official website when the recent leadership election took place.

Total number of voters: 476 (40%). Based on this information, we get the number 1190. We are talking about less than 2,000 members in the entire United Kingdom. In 2008, when membership lists were made public the organisation had about 13,500 members. 

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

On sovereignty: China has every right to exert sovereignty in Hong Kong

On sovereignty: China has every right to exert sovereignty in Hong Kong

Time to buy Pounds

Time to buy Pounds

If it is true that the value of the Pound is falling, if you want to make billions, start buying Pounds right now, as many as you can get. The way speculators make billions in the currency markets is by buying and selling currency using fluctuations in currency markets.

People like George Soros made billions by buying and sellin currency. Therefore if The Independent and other mass media are saying that the value of the Pound is lower this is the time to buy Pounds. The BBC, Sky and others are constantly helping currency speculators by spreading rumours. As some exchange operators said quite a few times: "If people believe that the value of shares is going to fall and sell shares, the value of shares is going to fall. If people believe that the value of shares is going to rise, the value of shares rises." They treat members of the public as useful idiots to enrich already super-rich speculators. 

Friday, 9 August 2019

EU and languages - myth and reality

EU and languages - myth and reality

We would like to do a survey in the United Kingdom to find out how many Remainers speak any other language apart from English. We would also like to know how many of those supporting Remain have ever traveled to/lived in in any other EU country apart from Britain. We would also like to know how many are aware of national politics in EU countries. Jumping around waving an EU flag doesn't make you a real EU citizen, capable of interacting with millions of people who don't live in the UK, speak a language that you do not know/understand and that have cultural values that can be quite different from your own values. You can pass laws about freedom of movement but if you don't have what it takes to function in a society that speaks a different language and has different values, you will be forever an outsider. Perhaps we can start by talking to those standing near the Houses of Parliament waving EU flags or we can deal with journalists and mass media to see how fit they are to call themselves EU citizens.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Conservative Party: Sarah Woolaston complains that she cannot use an office reserved for the Conservative Party

Sarah Woolaston MP complains that she can no longer use an office reserved for the Conservative Party

When you leave a political party, are you supposed to continue using office space reserved for the said political party? Sarah Woolaston MP seems to think that she is entitled to do so. This shows, once again, her lack of understanding of political realities. If a set of Conservative Party MPs leave the Conservative Party, do they believe that they have some kind of entitlement reserved for the Conservative Party?

She and others left the Conservative Party and joined a new political party only to abandon the new political party not long afterwards. Should there be another General Election, most of them would be lucky to keep their seats - not just their offices.

Whether there is or isn't a new General Election in the autumn, the fact remains that the political spectrum in the United Kingdom is in a state of flux while fundamental issues are not being dealt with. For all the talk about integration, there is a disconnect between Parliament and the Electorate.

There is a gap between local authorities and the people that they are supposed to rule and represent and this is added to the social lack of contact between people that live in the same towns and on the same streets. We seem to be more linked to somebody we find on social media than to our own neighbours. Candidates are appointed by local constituencies or by the top officials of political parties and then the Electorate is supposed to rubberstamp decisions others have made.

If we want change, we will have to revise what we call Democracy.