Tuesday, 31 October 2023
Palestine: People are dying by the thousands, but in UK and in other places it is as if nothing is happening
Monday, 30 October 2023
UN: What would a world without the Organisation of the United Nations look like?
UN: What would a world without the Organisation of the United Nations look like?
Teaching children about fairness is the wrong thing to do. The world is about power.
The world is about power. Not fairness.
We have spent generations after generations teaching children about fairness and giving them a very idealitic view of the world that is not real. The world is run by opposites and a status quo is established when all parties know that there is a risk when trying to go beyond that status quo. This is why borders tend to be respected but borders can suddenly change as a consequence of a conflict. If a party is not strong enough to prevent a change of borders then it becomes a conflict leading to a fait accompli and a new status quo is established.
The history of the world is a history of changing boundaries and conflicts. Is there a country that wasn't born because of conflict? Wars of aggression, wars of independence, wars, wars, wars. The United States of America celebrate today the 4th of July and the Declaration of Independence, but even after the 1776 Declaration of Independence fighting went on. So the creation and further expansion of the United States of America happened because of wars. Bloodshed allowed the expansion of the United States of America.
The same can be said of many other countries and this tends to be the rule rather than the exception and it is still happening and will continue to happen.
When you look at the map of the British Empire, after a series of expansions came contraction. Territorial acquisitions overseas were lost and even the borders within the British Isles changed. Until 1920, the United Kingdom comprised also the entirety of the islando of Ireland. Since 1920, as a consequence of a treaty, the Republic of Ireland with its capital Dublin was established and Ulster/Northern Ireland in the north remained as a integral part of the United Kingdom. Should movements towards the independence of Scotland eventually succeed or if suddenly Ulster becomes part of a united Ireland because of the Sinn Fein/Ira electoral successes in Northern Ireland caused by both a sudden change of the mood between communities or simply because of demographics - Catholic families tend to have more children, once again the borders of the United Kingdom will be redrawn. One thing we can take from history is that the presumptions in terms of borders can suddenly change. Yugoslavia is a perfect of example of a country that imploded leading to many different countries. In the case of Yugoslavia, the fact is that Yugoslavia itself was from the beginning like pieces of a puzzle. You can go as far as the Austro-Hungarian Empire that included regions or entire countries in terms of countries that are a reality today. Austria and Italy - throughout the history of Europe have exchanged regions. France and Germany's example - Alsace and Lorena - at one time part of Germany and now part of France. Britany and Normandy - once part of the British Empire are now part of France. And we could mention many other cases not just in Europe but across the world. At one point Bolivia had costal waters and that was the case until a conflict between Peru, Bolivia and Chile left Bolivia isolated and having to pay a fee to have access to the Pacific Ocean.
When it comes to Palestine we have yet another example of changing borders and changing owners. The history of Palestine is a history of conflicts between empires and between countries. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed many countries were born, one of them Iraq that itself comprises three distinctive regions. For a brief period Palestine was in the hands of the British until partition led to the creation of the State of Israel and fighting continued between Palestinians and newcomers from Europe that continued the process of expansion taking land from within Palestine and from neighbouring countries. How long will the status quo last? Presumably as long as the parties involved are strong enough to maintain such status quo and this is not a guarantee for any lasting peace.
Going back to Europe, Poland keeps asking Germany for war reparations in spite of the fact that much of the Germany that was before World War Two and before World War One was taken over by Poland and this include a huge chunk of Easter Germany including Danzig and Memel. Danzig is now known as Gdansk. The birthplace of Immanuel Kant, Konisberg is now Kaliningrag in what used to be Eastern Prussia.
We don't know the outcome of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine - another country that was made up with bit and pieces taken from other countries including Poland, Hungary and Russia. In fact, the present conflict is very much the consequence of the way Ukraine was made with Western Ukraine in direct conflict with Eastern Ukraine - one predominantly Polish and Hungarian and the other predominantly Russian. The conflict is a mix of geopolitical divisions and ethnic divisions.
Borders can change and borders will change. So we can expect that there will be conflict along the way and further bloodshed can be guaranteed. Whether China decides to recover what is know today as Taiwan remains to be seen but there is certainly the prospect of yet another conflict as the multipolar world replaces the bipolar world created by World War Two.
Sunday, 29 October 2023
The real world is run with guns, not rights
The real world is run with guns. You are either a dove or a hawk.
Friday, 27 October 2023
Adolf Hitler was practically a vegetarian and an environmentalist who hated plastics - Irony and reality
Adolf Hitler was practically a vegetarian and an environmentalist who hated plastics
The Lion's logic and the nature of war
The Lion's Logic and the nature of war
Adolf Hitler said that once war starts there are no civilians. This goes together with the Lion's Logic.
Lion's have to fight with other Lions to assert their power and when they prevail the most probable outcome is that the cubs of the defeated Lion are killed.
My father explained the Lion's Logic to me in very simple terms. If you allow the children of your enemies to survive, they will be a constant danger to your own existence.
The reason the Jews, men, women and children, were sent to the camps for extermination is that Germany was following the Lion's Logic. You don't allow children to live to become a threat to your own existence. The fact that Zionism and Israel do exist proves that Adolf Hitler was right in this regard. If you allow any survivors then your own survival will be in doubt.
The logic of the Palestinian conflict between Palestinian and Jews is living proof that since the Lion's Logic is not being applied. As long as Palestinian children are left alive and as lond as Jewish children are left alive the conflict will go on and on and on. Extermination is the only sure solution.
In war there are no civilians. There are only friends and foes. All sides proved that there are no civilians. The thought when bombing British cities and when bombing German cities was pretty evident. There were no civilians. There were Britons and Germans and the idea was to kill as many as possible to prevail. The defeated don't make good material. The sick and the infirm don't make good material. The disabled don't make good material. The sexually dysfunctional - including those mentally sexually dysfunctional - must be exterminated to build a stronger nation. Violence exists for a very good reason.
Refugees are inferior people. People who refuse to stand up and fight.
Palestine: Labour goes to war
Multiculturalism? Diversity? Well, the Labour Party and usual supporter of mass migration now realises that it has been promoting war and violence in Britain. Reading comments written by Jews in the UK it is plainly visible that Jews talk about being targetted, about not walking outside their Jewish areas.
In fact, Britain has imported conflicts and now the said conflicts are going to be played out in Britain. Angela Merkel said it out loud: Multikulti ist tot. (Multiculturalism is dead.) Not that too many people managed to understand that the person saying it was none other than the one who had been promoting open borders for the European Union and taking countries to European courts for rejecting open borders.
Frauke Petry went as far as calling for migrants to be shot dead if they tried to enter Germany. Then somebody noticed what Frauke Petry said, but continued to ignore what Angela Merkel had said.
Britain has not built integration. Britain has built ghettos and whenever there is a geopolitcal crisis, those ghettos become alive. Suella Braverman does not have the common sense necessary to understand that she should not side with any of the parties in the conflict. A proposal to ban the Palestinian flag was a declaration of war against Muslim communities in Britain because in this conflict there are religious and ethnic factors that many are failing to understand.
As an outsider, I see the makings of Holocaust Round Two. As long as the USA continues to support a bankrupt Israeli government and its policies of occupation and oppression, Jews will never be safe.
Now, we have got the Labour Party at war. Mayor of London: Muslim. Scottish First Minister: Muslim. Labout MPs left and right: Muslim. Labour Councillors already resigning. Firstly, Covid, Secondly, the European crisis and energy prices. Thirdly, Palestine. A never ending series of scandals and crisis.
If things get out of control, the years of the IRA will seem like Paradise.
1997/2023 There was a Dream. Where is the Dream now?
In 1997, Tony Blair led the Labour Party to a historic electoral victory. What happened afterwards is now history as one of the biggest disappointments. The illegal invasion of Iraq with the purpose of regime changing that crippled Iraq and completely destabilized the Middle East generating conflicts across the entire region. The Dream vanished into thin air and led to many of the present conflicts inside and outside the United Kingdom.
We are coming to the 2024 General Election. What is the Dream? There is no Dream whatsoever. In fact, both political parties are extremely fragmented with internal unresolved issues, aggravated by geopolitical concerns. What will people be actually voting for? If anything, there is mounting anger because politicians have turned their backs on ordinary voters to follow their own political agendas. Even more. A seemingly endless series of scandals - many related to sexual abuses - does not make the situation any better.
Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Conservative Party: When a company goes into administration, we know the final chapter
The banner does not reflect reality. In fact, recent decisions made by Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister point in exactly the opposite direction.
There are no long-term decisions. In fact, you cannot trust that what is announced as a long-term decision will last long enough. In terms of a brighter future, all the promises about a brighter future cannot balance what is a disastrous present.
The country is pawned to the hilt and we worry about the day when investors will stop buying bonds if the rates paid for bonds are not dramatically raised, thus making public borrowing practically unpayable.
In fact, every indicator signals impending doom. Can you trust the promises made by what is a de-facto caretaker unelected Prime Minister? At this point in time, Rishi Sunak shares with the Liberal Democrats one fundamental characteristic. He can promise anything because he will not be around to deliver whatever he promises. In the present state of affairs, May 2024 seems - painfully - to be a long way away. His Chancellor of the Exchequer - Jeremy Hunt MP - will no longer be around either since he himself has said that he will not be standing in 2024. Investors will surely take notice of what is happening in British politics since a change of managers will surely mean a change of management style.
Britain needs clarity. Britain needs to know where it stands. Rather late, the Prime Minister is now talking about implementing the same kind of tax measures that he rejected when he was competing with now former Prime Minister Liz Truss. One could see that there were two Party Conferences. One was the official Party Conference and the other was the Fringe Party Conference. Some did not bother to attend either of them. Such is the state of disarray.
In more than one way, seeking some kind of relevance in geopolitics has been a diversion. Foreign powers - friends and foes - who follow very closely what is happening in the United Kingdom know better. Whatever is agreed today accounts for very little. Long-term decisions? The UK political cycle is pretty short and makes practically impossible to have long term policies since the next Parliament can choose at will not to implement what the previous Parliament approved or supported.
The UK goverment that he presides spoke about foreign deals with huge markets and promised a brilliant future for the British economy. It is like writing on water. There are no guarantees whatsoever that colourful and impressive speeches will be followed by real achievements. May 2024, an important month on the British political calendar. If what happened in a series of by-elections is translated into a real General Election, not even a space in Madame Tussauds could be guaranteed.
The Conservative Party has broken a new record. A bit more than a decade in power and at least 5 Prime Ministers.
Monday, 23 October 2023
Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt not standing as MP in 2024?
The political life of an administration is directly linked to two people: The Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The role played by Jeremy Hunt in the Conservative administration is a major role. We are a few months away of a crucial General Election and the role of the Chancellor of the Exchequer as main actor when it comes to implement economic policy can make or break a government long before a General Election. When Jeremy Hunt indicates that he might leave the Cabinet even before the General Election and/or that he will not be standing as Member of Parliament in 2024 sends shockwaves. He is basically cutting the branch of the tree on which British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is standing. Jeremy Hunt's calculations about not wanting to end his career with an electoral defeat show how little he trusts his own position and most importantly shows that he does not believe that there is going to be a Conservative government after the General Election. This is devastating.
It must be said that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has of recent spent a lot of time trying to fix the rest of the world and paying little attention to what is happening in Britain. Money is flocking away from Britain and when it came to a major project the word 'cancellation' was supposed to be countered with veiled announcement about hypothetical transport projects that have not even been considered. The Prime Minister cancelled a project that was already underway and all the work done at a cost of billions of Pound is therefore abandoned. All the monies already invested and all the jobs that were generated are going to be thrown into the bin to be classified as yet more waste. We tried to sweeten the pill by promising a Paradise made up of new transport projects that he knows that he will not be able to deliver because he might not be able to stay as Prime Minister beyond the next General Election. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak put an end to something real and promised thin air in exchange.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has disarmed Britain by sending abroad equipment and resources that cannot be easily replaced. For many years, the British Armed Forces have been disadvantaged and even when it came to pay in the public budget the British Armed Force came last. On the one hand, you see speeches full of aggressive language and on the other hand you see the realities of the British Armed Forces.
Education? Transport? Health? Public Safety? Immigration? When we should see improvements we see undeliverable promises and scandals of all sorts.
But one has to be fair and in fairness he could not do more because of the realities of the Conservative Party that ended up with a Prime Minister that was not elected by the Electorate and was not even elected by voting members of the Conservative Party. He couldn't possibly be a strong Prime Minister because he has no power base apart from the support he got as Member of Parliament. The fact that none other than his own Chancellor of the Exchequer is throwing the towel tells you that it is game over. In the end, where are the heavyweights of the Conservative Party?
We have got a Secretary for Defence - Grant Shapps - that believes that being the descendant of people who suffered persecution in Europe 70 or so years ago is a crucially important qualification to be Secretary for Defence. Never mind if he does not possess any specific qualification for the post as man in charge of dealing with the defense of the Realm. Where are the heavyweights? The real knower - Ben Wallace MP - not only resigned his post as Secretary for Defence. Ben Wallace MP also announced that he will not be standing for re-election in 2024.
We see cancellations, resignations and lack of expertise that blended with a profound lack of self-confidence are a perfect recipe for disaster.
Sunday, 22 October 2023
Palestine:has immigration turned host countries into parts of the battlefield?
Decades ago, Palestine seemed to be a long way away from Europe, but today Europe has become very much part of Palestine. The boundaries have become blurred with local politicians talking about what is happening as if Europe itself at the centre of what is happening in the Middle East, with people reacting for or against the parties involved in a conflict that has been lasting practically since the British decided to promote partition and the creation of a state practically entirely made up of Eastern Europeans surrounded by Arab nations.
Present inhabitants of Israel are much more closely related to the peoples of the countries where they lived for centuries than to the original inhabitants of those we came to know as Jews. The creation of the State of Israel is in fact part of yet another European Crusade and this has been very much part of the problem since the very beginning. Zionism is much more associated with ideology than it is associated with religion. Even today, despite many decades, there are clear differences between different brands of Judaism, but some are more powerful than others. The creation of a racial theocratic state was a disastrous mistake. The arrival of massive numbers of white Europeans elicited an immediate reaction.
Thursday, 19 October 2023
Palestine: If peace means accepting occupation and oppresion and Apartheid, war is the best alternative
For anybody that has lived under occupation and oppression, who is constantly mistreated, abused and discriminated against, peace is an insult. What USA and Israel and others want is a continuation of the status quo that has existed for decades and has meant sheer misery and humiliation.
Every Fourt of July, Americans should be reminded of the fact that the USA was not born out of peace. Every time they sing the American National Anthem, they should remember what they went through and was the cost of freedom. The Palestinian People are fighting for their Fourth of July. If Israel does not come to the negotiation table and accepts to withdraw to its original borders and cease the exploitation and humiliation of the Palestinian People then Israel must be brought down by the power of guns because it is self-evident that Israel lives by the sword and only recognizes brute force.
Saturday, 14 October 2023
Devolution: has it worked?
In 1997, Tony Blair and the New Labour Administration came up with Devolution. The solution to all problems ended in nightmare. The Welsh Assembly controlled by Labour has made a mess of things. The Scottish Parliament has been the source of a never ending series of scandals and bad governance.
Standards in terms health and education have fallen steadily and division within the ruling SNP have led to the SNP losing support and even to SNP MPs tempted to change sides to the point that just a few days ago a SNP MP joined the Conservative Party.
In Northern Ireland, things are not better. Once again, the Northern Ireland Assembly seem destined to be non operational with Westminster have to exercise what to all effects is direct rule, something that the Good Friday Agreement involving shared power sought to avoid.
We now face various sets of elections in coming May 2024. General Election in the United Kingdom, London Assembly Election and elections involved the so called Devolved Authorities, apart from other local elections.
May 2024 could be a whole set of changes within the United Kingdom, but the political realities might be somewhat different of what many have come to expect. In spite of the fact that many will still be voting on the basis of their political allegiances, many will be willing to change sides and vote for parties that they have never supported before.
There is dissent between parties, but also dissent within political parties. The purge carried out by Keir Starmer may come to haunt him. Many traditional Labour voters do not like Keir Starmer at all. In fact, they seem him as the enemy within. For certain regions, certain issues will take priority and they have proven that they are more than willing to vote for a specific issue and against the political party that they used to support. Immigration will be a huge factor in the coming elections. Anybody promoting open borders will find herself or himself cut off from public opinion.
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
The Warsaw Ghetto of Palestine: it was bound to happen
It was bound to happen. You don't force hundreds of thousands of peoples to live under occupation in virtual ghettos and expect that nothing will happen. The Israeli Apatheid Regime will suffer tragedies from time to time and when the anger spreads far away from the borders of the occupied territories the conflict will grow and grow until it spirals out of control.
Most revolutions - the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Soviet Revolution - were born out of anger, frustration and discontent and festering anger, frustation and discontent will become explosive and this is exactly what we are seeing now in Palestine. Once you join the dots, geopolitics will take over and this will spread to countries that are farways from the conflict and some of which are very much the reason there is a conflict today.
With every new tragedy, determination on both sides of the conflict is reinforced and sooner than later other players will get involved and then it will havoc for all concerned.
It seems that the recipe for all conflicts is not negotiation but simply to add logs to the fire until the fire can no longer be controlled.
Sunday, 8 October 2023
Palestine: Present troubles were triggered by the United Kingdom
Until 1948, Palestine was Palestine, but then Britain intervened and troubles began. After tne initial partition of Palestine, Israel went on swallowing bits and pieces of whatever was left of Palestine and this could only come at a price: a series of wars and atrocities that led to what is happening right now. Western powers completely ignored the local populations and newcomers from all over Europe settled down in what is now Israel. Present inhabitants mainly came from Eastern Europe and fron the then Soviet Union. Instead of integrating with the local populations, they brought their own customs and their own laws and their own systems of Apartheid in which local inhabitants were treated as second or third class citizens. Those who did not want to submit to the powers of the newcomers were isolated in ghettos that we know now as 'the occupied territories'. In fact, the whole of Palestine is 'occupied territories'.
British imperial myopia led to decades of atrocities and later on British mypia was replaced by American myopia and tragedies became a normal occurrence. We can talk about natural divisions and confrontations in the Middle East and Asia Minor, but we must also talk about how Western Powers benefitted from those divisions and confrontations to exploit natural resources that fed the industrial apparatus of the Developed World. For the USA, Britain and others people did not count at all. All they cared about was oil and their own geopolitical interests. They, the supposed heroes of Democracy, have no hesitation when supporting the exploitation of local populations by tyrannical rules. Tyrannical rulers only bother them if they are tyrannical rulers that they cannot control. As long as Saddam Hussein followed the diktats of the USA, he was a good dictator. The moment he turned againt US interests, he had to be eliminated. The same rules applied and apply to other regimes across the world.
In Latin America, Henry Kissinger was the big mover of the so called Condor Plan, a system of cooperation between Latin American military dictatorships. The USA trained killers that terrorized their own peoples and torture and murder became commonplace with the full support of the US State Department. Now, President Biden talks about 'full support for Israel'. He does not even bother to mention that there are two sides in the conflict, but it is understandable since US has only cared for one side of those in the conflict. The USA does not give a damn about justice and human rights and this is easy to understand since certain peoples are not even seen as human beings. Those who are not part of the US geopolitical calculations do not exist and are totally expendable.
Friday, 6 October 2023
Scotland: Was associating itself directly with the Independence Movement a faux pas?
Was the fact that the Independence Movement was directly linked to the SNP a serious mistake?
Wednesday, 4 October 2023
HS2 Fiasco: Message to China - Britain is falling
HS2 Fiasco is a direct message to China: Britain is falling and is incapable of building a high speed railway link, apart from other deficiencies that are by now pretty obvious.
- Britain is incapable of patrolling and controlling its own borders.
- Britain is incapable of having Armed Forces big enough and equipped enough to handle a real military conflict.
- Britain does not have the military complex to be seen as a serious military contender.
- Britain's nuclear deterrent is limited in its reach and is not even British.
Tuesday, 3 October 2023
GB News: Using financial wars and persecution to eliminate political opponents is a double edged sword
Using financial wars and persecution to eliminate political opponents is a double edged sword that can cut both ways.
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Jo Cox |
The BBC British Broadcasting Corporation has long ceased to be British and is now openly anti-British and promotes an agenda that erodes the foundations of British society weakening national cohesion.
But the BBC is not alone. Other operators like SKY NEWS push forward the same range of agendas telling their audiences that Britain is too weak to be an independent country and that therefore it should be run by the European Union. They also promote the agenda that Britain is too British, too white and that race is the foundation for social inequalities and that Britain is based on social inequality and slavery. Such corrosive set of messages has infiltrated the education system and the mass media. So what is the aim of attacks attacks against anybody who rebels? To purge the education system and the mass media of anybody who dares to oppose their agendas and this is turning into personal attacks against educators and journalists.
One should not forget one of the main reasons Jo Cox MP was killed. She was seen as an example of the kind of agendas being promoted by the BBC and the SKY News and this is why, one day, out of the blue, she was shot and stabbed in plain daylight. None other that one the main political editors of SKY News is heading the crusade to close down GB News, supported by a Conservative MP paid by the mass media establishment.
This cannot end up in a happy manner. There is far too much on the table and sooner than later it is going to turn extremely nasty.