Sunday 8 October 2023

Palestine: Present troubles were triggered by the United Kingdom

Until 1948, Palestine was Palestine, but then Britain intervened and troubles began. After tne initial partition of Palestine, Israel went on swallowing bits and pieces of whatever was left of Palestine and this could only come at a price: a series of wars and atrocities that led to what is happening right now. Western powers completely ignored the local populations and newcomers from all over Europe settled down in what is now Israel. Present inhabitants mainly came from Eastern Europe and fron the then Soviet Union. Instead of integrating with the local populations, they brought their own customs and their own laws and their own systems of Apartheid in which local inhabitants were treated as second or third class citizens. Those who did not want to submit to the powers of the newcomers were isolated in ghettos that we know now as 'the occupied territories'. In fact, the whole of Palestine is 'occupied territories'.

British imperial myopia led to decades of atrocities and later on British mypia was replaced by American myopia and tragedies became a normal occurrence. We can talk about natural divisions and confrontations in the Middle East and Asia Minor, but we must also talk about how Western Powers benefitted from those divisions and confrontations to exploit natural resources that fed the industrial apparatus of the Developed World. For the USA, Britain and others people did not count at all. All they cared about was oil and their own geopolitical interests. They, the supposed heroes of Democracy, have no hesitation when supporting the exploitation of local populations by tyrannical rules. Tyrannical rulers only bother them if they are tyrannical rulers that they cannot control. As long as Saddam Hussein followed the diktats of the USA, he was a good dictator. The moment he turned againt US interests, he had to be eliminated. The same rules applied and apply to other regimes across the world. 

In Latin America, Henry Kissinger was the big mover of the so called Condor Plan, a system of cooperation between Latin American military dictatorships. The USA trained killers that terrorized their own peoples and torture and murder became commonplace with the full support of the US State Department. Now, President Biden talks about 'full support for Israel'. He does not even bother to mention that there are two sides in the conflict, but it is understandable since US has only cared for one side of those in the conflict. The USA does not give a damn about justice and human rights and this is easy to understand since certain peoples are not even seen as human beings. Those who are not part of the US geopolitical calculations do not exist and are totally expendable.


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