Sunday 22 October 2023

Palestine:has immigration turned host countries into parts of the battlefield?

Decades ago, Palestine seemed to be a long way away from Europe, but today Europe has become very much part of Palestine. The boundaries have become blurred with local politicians talking about what is happening as if Europe itself at the centre of what is happening in the Middle East, with people reacting for or against the parties involved in a conflict that has been lasting practically since the British decided to promote partition and the creation of a state practically entirely made up of Eastern Europeans surrounded by Arab nations.

Present inhabitants of Israel are much more closely related to the peoples of the countries where they lived for centuries than to the original inhabitants of those we came to know as Jews. The creation of the State of Israel is in fact part of yet another European Crusade and this has been very much part of the problem since the very beginning. Zionism is much more associated with ideology than it is associated with religion. Even today, despite many decades, there are clear differences between different brands of Judaism, but some are more powerful than others. The creation of a racial theocratic state was a disastrous mistake. The arrival of massive numbers of white Europeans elicited an immediate reaction.


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