Saturday 31 March 2012

Toulouse Massacre: isolated incident or trend?

After the Toulouse massacre, the general public in France is very much aware of the danger posed by individuals acting on their own who are mentally prepared to commit atrocities. Most importantly, the French public is becoming very much aware of the risk of providing space for organizations like the Union of Islamic Organizations operating in France.
Given present trends in Europe, there is the certain possibility of Britain becoming a refuge for extremists chased out of Europe. The following is a press release issued by Marine Le Pen, French Presidential Candidate:
Communiqué de Presse de Marine Le Pen, Candidate à l’élection présidentielle
Le congrès de l’UOIF (Union des Organisations Islamiques de France) doit se tenir du 6 au 9 avril prochain au Bourget. Déjà, sous la pression de Marine le Pen, le gouvernement a fini par interdire l’entrée du territoire français à quatre prédicateurs islamistes qui y étaient invités. Dans la foulée, deux autres ont renoncé d’eux-mêmes. Les autorités françaises ont publiquement regretté la présence annoncée de Tariq Ramadan, de nationalité suisse. Les responsables de notre pays considèrent bien l’UOIF comme proche des islamistes, sinon même des terroristes.
The Congress of the UOIF (Union of the Islamic Organisations of France) is due to take place from April 6 until April 9, 2012 in Bourget. Already, under pressure exert by Marine Le Pen, the French government decided not to allow four Islamic Priests, who had been invited to attend, to enter French territory. Due to this event, another two priests decided not to attend. The French authorities have publicly regretted the announced presence of Tariq Ramadan, of Swiss origin. French authorities consider that members of UOIF are not only Islamic but also terrorists.
In another Press Release, Marine Le Pen says regarding the burial in France of Mohammed Merah:
Communiqué de Presse de Marine Le Pen, Candidate à l’élection présidentielle
Alors qu’il a ensanglanté notre sol et notre drapeau, Mohamed Merah sera inhumé dans la terre de France du fait de la capitulation indigne de Nicolas Sarkozy face aux autorités algériennes.
After he bloodied our land and our flag, Mohamed Merah will be buried in French territory thanks to the indignant capitulation of Nicholas Sarkozy when confronting the Algerian authorities.
Contrairement aux dires du maire socialiste de Toulouse, Mohamed Merah n’est pas un citoyen comme les autres. Fils d’un délinquant algérien retourné dans son pays et d’une Algérienne, il possédait la double nationalité. Il n’avait aucun attachement à la République française. Sa place est donc en Algérie, et non en France, comme le voulait d’ailleurs sa famille.
Contrary to what the Socialist Mayor of Toulouse says, Mohamed Merah is not a citizen like others.  Being the son of an Algerian criminal that returned to Algeria and of an Algerian mother, he had dual nationality. He had no sense of loyalty towards the French Republic. He belonged in Algeria and he did not belong in France, as manifested by the wishes of his family.
Marine Le Pen se scandalise de cet affront fait aux familles des victimes de Merah. Elles seront contraintes de vivre dans la proximité de cette tombe.
Marine Le Pen is shocked by this insult to the families of Merah’s victims who will be forced to live near this tomb.
Cette tombe risque en outre de devenir un lieu de pèlerinage parfaitement nauséabond pour tous les islamo-gauchistes.
Moreover, the risk exists of this tomb becoming a revolting pilgrimage site revered by all left-wing elements that sympathise with Islam.

In true Rudyard Kipling style, the Nationalist struggle continues

As a matter of fact, I will continue to apply the same fairness criteria that I apply across British National Party websites regarding other nationalist websites. I couldn’t fail to notice that several political parties did not register Mayoral Candidates despite the fact that for many months after our electoral losses in East London they were identified and they identified themselves as rising stars or alternatives to the British National Party.

After the BBC Panorama programme that wrote the epitaph of the British National Party with the inclusion of seemingly knowledgeable former members of the British National Party some of whom later joined other political parties, the World seemed to be coming to an end.
Those of us who persevered, who did not succumb to the brainwashing operations of our opponents, are here to tell you that the British National Party has registered a Mayoral Candidate, Candidates for the London-wide list and Candidates for several London constituencies and that we are very much alive. Perhaps we should invite the British Broadcasting Corporation to make a new edition of Panorama entitled ‘The British National Party Phoenix.’

The Falklands Veteran that never was, the Argentine volunteer that never was, the so called Swinger and Sex Pest that never was, Carlos of the British National Party tells you all that We have a Dream, that We Shall Overcome, that You are not alone and that We are here to stay. We are Marching In. As Rudyard Kipling tells us, despite triumphs and defeats, we must keep fighting.

Friday 30 March 2012

Fuel: The fear of a crisis that created a crisis

What is happening today with the so called 'fuel crisis' is that fear of a potential crisis that produced a crisis. Suddenly, there are queues of motorists and traffic jams.

Those who really need fuel find themselves stuck and unable to get the fuel they need and this has an escalating effect. Knee jerk reactions at the top level of governance in the United Kingdom is extremely damaging and has long lasting consequences.

Regarding other fundamental energy issues, the announcement that two private companies invited to develop two nuclear reactors have finally decided that they would not have the necessary resources to develop the said reactors is a clear indication of the role the public sector will have to play to develop nuclear reactors.

A few years down the line, up to a quarter of Britain's energy needs would not be met and the national authorities seem to lack the necessary will, capacity and commitment to solve Britain's energy problems. For all the talk in the Houses of Parliament, little is being done. They put all their trust in the private sector and the reality is that the private sector has been unable to come up with viable solutions.

Let us remember that about 10 of 16 nuclear reactors will be coming to an end of their life and that there are huge costs involved not just in the building of new reactors but also in making non operational nuclear reactors safe. Eolic energy - namely wind turbines - have proven to be totally innefective and unable of meeting Britain's energy needs. Only a few months ago, two wind turbines caught fire in Scotland because there was 'too much wind'.

Without abandoning the idea of wind turbines, we must persevere to try and make this energy alternative more efficient and safe. Solar energy panels would have to be improved a great deal before we can trust solar energy as an efficient and viable energy supply. We should not abandon this idea either.

We should try and developed improved technologies. For ideological reasons, the Conservative Party seems totally unable to accept reality. When it comes to extremely expensive projects, the private sector is very much unable to cope. Nuclear energy are still the only viable alternative to fossil fuels. When we think about electricity, even electric cars very much depend on electricity produced burning fossil fuels.

Nuclear incidents in Japan, produced by an unexpected natural event, cannot and should not be used as an excuse to oppose nuclear energy developments. Much of France's electricity is electricity produced with nuclear energy and Britain depends on electricity generated in France by nuclear reactors. At the end of the day, the more potential alternatives we have the better. Instead of ideology, we must focus on pragmatic solutions, rational solutions, to deal with energy issues.

George Galloway Vs Labour

George Galloway's success in Bradford returning to Parliament with a majority of about 10,000 votes gives yet another indication of Labour's crisis with the Muslim community turning up in great numbers against the official Labour candidate.

This is a repeat of what happened in Tower Hamlets where the Muslim community has rejected Labour with the support of none other than Ken Livingstone, official Labour Mayoral Candidate who once again made derogatory comments against members of the Jewish Community.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Exclusion from debates shows the realities of a democratic system in crisis

As London Regional Press Officer and now Mayoral Candidate of the British National Party, I have to say that I listen to what Matthew Goodwin says about what he calls the Rise of British Fascism and my reply to him is that we are not Fascists. We are British Nationalists that are being systematically excluded from public debates.

For too long exclusion from public debates has been accepted as the norm in British politics. Some politicians then ask themselves why so many people no longer care about Democracy in Britain and the same politicians issue scaremongering statements about the rise of the Far Right across Europe.

The 'give them cakes' attitude of the political Marie Antoinettes is fuelling resentment and academics like Matthew Goodwin (University of Nottingham) specialise in scaremongering but are afraid of mentioning the root causes because talking about the root causes and dealing with the root causes are not part of the doctrine of political correctness.

Matthew Goodwin talks about the Rise of British Fascism and he totally misreads what is really happening in Britain. For some art of magic, he forgets about Britain's social, cultural and financial crisis. Those who dare to criticize a visibly incompetent and corrupt system of government are immediately classified as Fascists.

The Rusian revolutionaries of 1917 and the French revolutionaries of 1789 were not Fascists. Those who support the British National Party are not Fascists. It comes the time when people feel so badly let down and ignored that they feel compelled to act.   

The Weimar Republic was defined as a Democracy without Democrats. The politically correct elites were squeezed out of politics by political polarization. Looking after their own interests, the political elites isolated themselves. As in war, the side that remains within its own walls loses the war and this is exactly what happened. 

When we look at the success of the revolutionary movement in Russia we can see exactly the same cause-effect relationship. The ruling classes separate themselves from ordinary people and do so at their own peril. Repressive measures adopted by the Tsar's Police against the crowds led to the demise of Imperial Russia.  

The so called Arab Spring came about due to the deafness of dictatorial regimes that failed to listen to their own people. Nobody would dare to say that the Arab Spring was some sort of Far Right reaction. The Arab Spring was merely the response of those who had been ignored for decades. The rise of the Far Right that at one point we might end up calling the European Spring is the response of people who have been completely ignored.   

What is actually fuelling the rise of the Far Right across Europe is precisely the lack of dialogue and the manipulations carried our by the mass media that produce a political blackout with a veneer of respectability. The more excluded people feel the less they will care about Democracy and the more prone people will be to join the chorus of those who are already disenfranchised.

Sustainability is a very popular word in the world of politics and the reality is that the present democratic system is not sustainable without real popular participation. If more and more people believe that mass demonstrations and violence are the only way to be heard, we will all be in serious trouble and there will be not enough repressive measures to cope with popular unrest.

The implementation of repressive legislation and the use of bullets, tasers and water cannons are becoming acceptable. What the British August 2011 riots showed is that repressive measures were absolutely insufficient to deal with public disorder.

Public disorder is a social and political issue that needs to be tackled socially and politically. There is no denying that flood immigration plays a role and is a contributing factor that accelerates the rise of unemployment and deprivation. Some so called mainstream politicians say that the gap between rich and poor or between have and have-nots is growing but they don’t want to talk about the link between demographics and social disintegration. Any talk about the link between demographics and social disintegration is classified as xenophobic and racist.

We can only ignore such issues at our own peril and notice that I say ‘at our own peril’. The consequences are going to be felt across social boundaries because we share a geographic space.

We need to confront those who are directly responsible of the aforementioned political exclusion. Otherwise the rise of extreme attitudes and violence in Britain will be unavoidable. The political myopia of the mass media and of religious organizations will generate violence.

Monday 26 March 2012

There is no such a thing as a free lunch

I know that they say that there is no such a thing as a free lunch but sometimes prices can be extraordinary. When it comes to the way the three main parties get their funding, there is a lot be said. For Conservatives and Liberal Democrats the issue of donors has led to controversial situations but the Labour Party is not far behind passing legislation that means that moneys given to Trade Union for 'educational purposes' end up in the coffers of the Labour Party. We also had the case of members of the Labour Cabinet selling themselves inside the House of Parliament. Others had a very 'charitable' approach.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Bob Crow does not support Ken Livingstone?

The militant rail union leader Bob Crow has threatened to sue Boris Johnson, saying it is "offensive," "malicious" and "defamatory" for the mayor of London to associate him with Ken Livingstone. Lawyers for rail union leader Bob Crow have said the association with Livingston has a negative effect on his reputation. In the letter, seen by The Sunday Telegraph, they insist that Mr Crow "has not supported Mr Livingstone's campaign as Labour candidate" and "disagrees with him" on some issues.

I almost fell off my chair... laughing. I understand why Bob Crow might be furious with Boris Johnson after Boris Johnson announced massive job losses with the implementation of automated trains and lay off of underground service workers but the idea that Bob Crow and Ken Livingstone don't see each other eye to eye is something worth recording onto some sort of Guinness Book of Records.

As days go by, the London Assembly Elections campaign gets more and more interesting. Both Ken and Boris are involved in a meaningless show of numbers and percentages trying to sound impressive when the present state of the British economy wouldn't allow anybody rational to make any predictions. 

They all promise hundreds of thousand new jobs for London. If you want to believe in fairy tales, that is your choice. The reality is that we can merely talk about principles and trends what we would like to promote at a time when the policies of Lib Lab Con can only produce more and more lay-offs in an already depressed environment.

Bob Crow successfully managed to negotiate salary increases for transport workers. Unfortunately, when the said increases become a reality most of their jobs will no longer exist.  

The biological ticking clocks of the Left

Our opponents are so desperate that they try to measure us by their own standards. This came about when a certain individual of a website dedicated to promote violence and hatred called me a Swinger and a Sex Pest. Obviously the pedophile supporters and promoters of "alternative arrangements" of the left don’t want to feel lonely and try to define us according to their own sexual preferences.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, the Swinger and the Sex Pest only exist in the febrile imagination of those who wonder around sex shops in Soho pretending to be doing research or perhaps feel inclined to reject the family as an institution in favour of wife swapping parties Lambeth Labour Party style (references made by Ken Livingstone in his memoirs, so the source can be trusted in these matters).

By the way, we don’t have ticking biological clock supporters either but I am sure that anybody wanting to know about it can also ask Ken Livingstone who is the confessed expert in these matters and speaks about it in his memoirs. I am sure that reading Ken Livingstone’s memoirs will be very educational for some segments of the Left.

Once again, don’t try to measure us according to your standards. We are the real Hope for Britain. Our accusers are just the scum that erodes the foundations of Britain.

Solutions against drugs must be drastic

In the United Kingdom drug trafficking and drug consumption have become endemic and this comes at a time when, in less than seven days, we see British citizens allegedly involved in drug trafficking.

In Argentina, a prominent British academic was arrested and faces the reality of many years in an Argentine jail.

In Peru, three Britons and three Italians are among 27 suspects arrested after a huge amount of cocaine and ecstasy was seized.

Police in Peru paraded the drugs before the media and the Peruvian National Police Director Raul Salazar indicated that tons of drugs were seized in Police operations this month.

Between January and March, according to Peruvian authorities, 3,013 people were arrested, 653 were detained for trafficking, 351 for selling small amounts and 2009 for using drugs.
Peru is not alone. There are reports that indicate that the building industry boom occurring across some Latin American countries including Uruguay and Chile has been the result of money laundering operations.

Production, distribution and consumption must be attacked simultaneously with drastic measures.

Saturday 24 March 2012

London is the battleground of Russian Maffia Operations

The attempt to assassinate a Russian banker in London shows how effective British Intelligence Services are. German Gorbuntsov, 45-year-old, is fighting for his life in a London hospital after being shot repeatedly at his London home.
Some time ago during an Interview with Russian Television, now RT, I said that Britain has been allowed to become a refuge for rich but dubious characters that Britain protects out of ignorance and out of greed. The activities of people like Boris Berezovski and others are documented and there is knowledge of how they became rich after the fall of the Soviet Union.
To put it mildly, British Intelligence Services are porous.  Despite all that has been said in real life and in fictional programmes like Spooks, British Intelligence Services are extremely incompetent and Maffia operations occur under their own noses.
Let us remember that for whatever reasons the Maffia connections of Alexander Litvinenko were not brought to light and all was described as a political matter that was extremely convenient to blame Russian authorities. One Foreign Secretary after another brings the matter of the death of Alexander Litvinenko conveniently described as a political assassination when in reality the reasons leading to the death of the former KGB agent have a lot more to do with ‘business arrangements’ and the intention of the Russian government to bring Boris Berezovski to justice.
Two main characters met Litvinenko before his death: Andrei Lugovoi, former KGB and Russian envoi, and an Italian journalist reportedly linked to the Italian Maffia whose name was quickly forgotten despite the fact that he was arrested as soon as he returned to Italy and accused of having Maffia connections.
Despite repeated repatriation requests made by the Russian authorities, successive British governments did not surrender Boris Berezovski that was reportedly a good friend of Chechen rebels. The Russian Federation sent Andrei Lugovoi to London to try and convince Alexander Litvinenko that supposedly had documentation that would make Boris Berezovski’s position untenable. Oh, surprise, the Russian attempts to repatriate Berezovski failed because before Litvinenko could provide the vital evidence somebody – not Russian agents – made sure that he could never deliver.
You can draw your own conclusions but rest assured that the main beneficiary of Alexander Litvinenko’s death was Boris Berezovski. Funnily enough, Berezovski has been the main point of contact for several ‘refugees’ coming from the former Soviet Union and practically the same group of lawyers specializing on immigration matters have been involved time and time again.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Al-Qaeda Algerian Nazi? Ooops!

So the Evening Standard was wrong: No Nazi. Mohammed Merah, French National of Algerian origin.
After the bloodshed that left seven people dead, including three young children, at a Jewish School, the Evening Standard proclaimed that the murderer was a Nazi that posed dressed as a soldier.

Poor Evening Standard, or whoever jumped on the usual bandwagon, because he or she got it absolutely wrong. The murderer was a French national of Algerian origin and his name is Mohammed Merah. Ooops! The aim of the attack was reportedly ‘to avenge Palestinian children’.

Good reporting does not mean to get the news first. Good reporting means to get the news right and the Evening Standard got it absolutely wrong by playing the usual tune and rest assured the R word (Racist) was immediately used.

Even the French President Nicholas Sarkozy jumped on the same bandwagon and this says a lot about the French intelligence services that allowed the French President to embarrass himself by producing such a gaffe.
Mohammed Merah was known to Police and this sounds very much like a repeat of July 5th 2005 in London when Islamic terrorists known to Police were free to carry out the atrocities that left more than 50 people dead.

British Mass Media Electoral Hypocrisy

By the end of the month, the list of Mayoral Candidates will be published and this might be one of the few occasions when the mass media in Britain will give equal opportunities to all candidates to be heard.

Before that and after that, an effective blackout will be implemented so that only a few of the total number of Mayoral candidates will actually have the opportunity to talk and to be seen.

Democracy in Britain is being manipulated by the mass media and we end up with a non-democratic election. Not long ago during a by-Election in Feltham, both the BBC and SKY television ran a blackout operation.

The British National Party Prospective Candidate for Parliament was approached but was not given the opportunity to talk. No, this is not something happening in Syria or Iran. This is happening in Britain.

We are somehow used to this. This is the way elections are run in the United Kingdom with the public being prevented from having access to Candidates that the mass media do not like or do not consider ‘important enough’.

By the way, these are the same mass media that criticize the way elections are run in the Russian Federation. The attitudes of the British mass media are an example of hypocrisy of the worst kind.     

Sunday 18 March 2012

Health and Safety Tax?

Why is it that the more I hear about Health and Safety the less healthy and safe I feel? This is the sinking feeling that companies across the country are facing when we get news about a new system of inspections costing £256 an hour that is about to be implemented.

The charges will be levied by the so called Health and Safety Inspectorate that is going to impose the charges to tell companies what they are doing wrong. So if ladders are ‘too wobbly’ or your office carpets are a ‘trip hazard’, open your pockets.

If a company receives a letter informing about rule infringements – on top of the £256 an hour – a bill will be issued for £750. The more so called ‘infringements’ are registered, the more money the H.S.I. will get.

If they don’t get you with Income Tax, Business Rates, Insurance Premiums and Maintenance costs – adding to it the cost of utility bills – they will certainly squeeze companies even more and all of this before you start wondering who the so called ‘inspectors’ will be.

Given the number of companies operating in the United Kingdom one can only imagine that the required expertise will be in short supply and this could end up being yet another ‘traffic warden’ style solution.

This is something that could even become a nightmare for the staunchest supporter of political correctness and I am sure that solicitors and barristers must be waiting with expectation for the coming ‘hunting season’.

Rowan Williams falls on his own Sword

The greatest tragedy for the Church of England has been to try and please everybody to go along with the rules of political correctness. The coin of political correctness belongs to Caesar and this is something the Church authorities should always remember: Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give God what belongs to God.

It is not the role of the Church to widen the path to God but to spread the word so that more and more people choose the narrow path, the difficult path, to God. This was the choice offered by Jesus. Accepting Sin into the practices of the Church for the sake of political correctness, Rowan Williams divided the Church and falsified the true mission of the Church on Earth and Sin defeated him and is now threatening to destroy the Church of England.

By being politically correct, Rowan Williams played into the hands of the enemies of Christ. He even campaigned for other faiths - namely Islam - speaking about the acceptability of Sharia Law in Britain thus abdicating from his fundamental role as a Christian. 

Jesus gives us a choice: you can continue living in your own way if that is what you choose to do or you can choose the narrow path to God.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

If a horse could talk...

The investigation about phone and computer hacking and many other ings continues and in one of the latest developments a horse has thrown the British Prime Minister David Cameron into deep waters. The issue is about Who Rode Who - and I am not talking about the horse that after all, despite being a magnificent animal, cannot talk nor have any kind of political influence.

Evidently, we are not suggesting for a minute any kind of Clintonian implication. What we are talking about is the issue of who held the reins (not the reins of the horse, but the political reins). In spite of the fact that all fingers have been pointed at Ruppert Murdoch, one shall assume that Ruppert Murdoch would be hardly in a position to ride anything, let alone a horse.

The complexity of a business empire linked to high flying politicians leads me to the belief that the poor horse is absolutely innocent.

Michael Norton of the Institute of Civil Engineers supports BNP policies?

Michael Norton of the Institute of Civil Engineers supports BNP policies?

Water shortages are according to Michael Norton another diabolic consequence of flood immigration. He said that ‘we have known for some time that our water resources were going to become quite stressed, partly because of the population increase in South East England but also because of the impact of climate change right across the United Kingdom.”

Now, this is very interesting because in actual fact, since the Greens say that climate change is man-made, population increase and damage to the environment are directly linked. Therefore, flood immigration is destroying the environment, causing water shortages and causing climate change in the United Kingdom.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Britain subsidizes Argentina. Argentina has money but it does not pay

Britain subsidizes Argentina: Wow! Extracts from an article published by the Daily Telegraph clearly illustrate how Argentina can pay its debts – and it doesn’t because it does not want to – while at the same time is getting British subsidies because after Argentina defaulted payments of its foreign debt  Argentina has no financial credibility.

“Did you know that your taxes are supporting loans going to Argentina? As President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner continues to make waves over the sovereignty of the Falklands, the British Government continues to vote through billions of pounds in international aid to her country, primarily through the World Bank and the EU. According to a poll by ComRes, of those few British adults who are aware of such expenditure, barely 6 per cent support it.

Barack Obama’s administration certainly isn’t in favour of such action. It has started voting against loans to Argentina from international financial institutions, and is looking for allies in its tough stance. Britain should be first in line.

While I strongly support foreign assistance – and Britain’s determination to meet the UN agreement on development aid is an example to the world – such funds need to be focused on eliminating poverty and conflict, not fattening government wallets in a G20 country that refuses to meet its global obligations.

Argentina, after all, is acting with scant regard for the international community. Over the past decade it has pursued a deliberate strategy of playing games with financial markets. Its default on £51 billion of debt in 2001 turned it into a financial pariah, a status that was not enhanced by two subsequent unilateral debt restructurings. To this day, Argentina remains shut out of the world’s capital markets. To make matters worse, it also nationalised private pension funds, thereby providing itself with a captive domestic market into which it could sell its debt.

The government has since been sued by creditors around the world as they try to force Argentina to honour its obligations. In the Southern District Court of New York alone, there have been more than 170 bondholder lawsuits, resulting in more than 100 judgments. Today, Argentina still owes more than £15 billion in old debts ranging from Paris Club loans, to bondholders, and to foreign investors holding arbitral awards from the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). In each case, Argentina has refused to play by the rules. It has demanded a Paris Club restructuring without the mandatory IMF monitoring, it has ignored New York court judgments, and it has insisted, in blatant disregard of its treaty obligations under ICSID, that arbitral awards be brought to Argentina for “approval” by its own courts.”
President Cristina Fernandez, like her illustrious colleague General Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri did in 1982, is trying to make the world forget that her country does not pay its debts, in spite of having the money reserves to do so. How does she do it? By re-igniting an old conflict that, by the way, Argentina lost in the most infamous way in 1982 when Argentina launched an illegal invasion using conscripts as cannon fodder.  There you are. So, did you want to know why they are talking about it again?  I gave you the answer. Another brilliant example of the most depraved hypocrisy.

Will Vigilantes and Crowd Action be the only option?

A few days ago we witnessed the actions of groups of ordinary people that fed up with the system that allows rapists to get away with murder decided to take matters into their own hands. Will this be the rule rather than the exception?

If the political authorities and if the Law and the Police are not able to put an end to the state of chaos that reigns in Britain, we might see a trend towards vigilante activities to curb crime in the United Kingdom. This is called anarchy and anarchy will be the consequence of decades of political correctness leading to all kinds of injustices.

In countries like Brazil rising cost of basic items had led to crowds descending into supermarkets like a cloud of locusts and emptying shops in just a few minutes because the costs of food items has gone through the roof. When they cannot afford to eat, they just take whatever they want without paying. Looking at the nonsensical rise of supermarket prices this could well become a reality in the not so distant future.

The realities of the Third World have arrived in Britain and are here to stay because we have a political class that keeps looking at their navels without taking seriously what is happening on the ground and in front of their own noses.

Drug Gangs Rule Britain

Britain has been taken over by drug gangs that have transformed it into a wasteland and the politically correct elites that created the problem are very much responsible and must be made accountable for it. As soon you mention the one and only solution they raise their hands in horror to protect criminals. As the expression goes, those who protect criminals are criminals and should be treated as criminals. Having seen the true nature of many of the so called Members of Parliament describing them as criminals seems and looks exactly like the right thing to do.
Thanks to a slip of the tongue Prime Minister David Cameron spoke the truth when he said that there is not only an economic recession but also a social recession and social recession it is when even Police forces and the Legal System are corrupted by the scourge they are supposed to fight against. We know who they are, we know where they live and we know what they do. Gangs should have been wiped out in true Elizabethan fashion a long time ago. No Human Rights rubbish, no Legal Aid crap! Wiped them out! Eradicate the infection of drugs once and for ever. There must be no quarter and no mercy for those who don’t give a damn about the lives of others and continue to poison the country.
They say that world population has increased and has now reached 7 billion people. Well, getting rid of drug traffickers for good might even be beneficial for the environment and help Save the Planet. The money spent keeping criminals alive could then be invested in health, education, transport, housing and other basic necessities of law abiding citizens.