Saturday, 22 February 2025

Organisation of the United Nations: Can the UN survive without USA?


Organisation of the United Nations
Can the UN survive without USA?

Since the end of World War Two, it is extremely difficult to conceive a world without the Organisation of the United Nations, but if projects are approved in the United States and the United States leave the UN, then such a world would become a reality. During the history of the United States several attempts have been made to leave the UN but not enough UN representatives in the US Senate and in the US House of Representatives supported such idea.

Universalism, labeled today as Isolationism, was very much the tone right at the beginning the United States. It is documented that none other than General George Washington, later President George Washington, declared that the United States should steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. Those that support the idea of leaving the UN say that the UN gives non democratic and democratic countries the same weight at the time of making decisions that could be seen as an attempt to exert foreign control of the United States.

My reading is that the Organisation of the United Nations is very much a treaty between US, UK, France, the Soviet Union and China - having the Russian Federation inherited the seat of the now defunct Soviet Union - that ensured the existence of the Security Council. If one of the main signatories of such treaty decides to leave the Security Council then the treaty itself will be null and void as there are no mechanisms in place to deal with such eventuality and also because all pieces of legislation issued by the UN and internationally agreed would de facto become null and void. Several other organisations that operate under the umbrella of the UN would themselves cease to exist. 

To a vast and critically important package of international legislation, we will have to add the enormous costs of running such an organisation coupled with the burden created by the fact that one of the main players, if not the main player, will no longer be part of the UN.

The concept Uniteralism is not new. It dates back to the beginning of the United States. If the same is applied to NATO then NATO should cease to exist.

We are entering a new world in which everything goes. The words "Sauve qui peut" come to mind. No international regulations, no international rules. No more territorial waters and no more international waters, as the absence of internationally agreed limits will make it impossible to determine what are territorial waters and what are international waters.

In spite of all the difficulties the UN encounters, it is undeniable that it has created crucially important points of reference for all countries. Without those points of reference we go back to survival of the fittest, a process that would involve endless conflicts across the world. No lasting national borders.

Friday, 21 February 2025

This might have something to do with American reluctance to follow warmongering politicians


The Ursula von der Leyen, the David Lammys, or the Grüne Leader Annalena Baerbocks of the world, might want a Europe-wide war, once again, but understandably President Donald Trump and those who support him do not want yet another European War because they know what the USA lost in terms of human lives left on the battlefield.

So the US does not want the maniacs to run the asylum. The idiots do not understand either that in order to put an end to a conflict you need to talk to those seen as your adversaries, the parties in the conflict. All the warmongering European politicians have done is to make matters a lot worse. After hundreds of thousands went to the slaughter, they want that more people go the slaughter. Do not talk, they say. Keep the war going, they say. 

I have no way of knowing how the German electorate will vote on Sunday. I do hope that they vote for those who want to maintain rationality, for those who are against keeping to war going for, if the war keeps going, sooner than later we will have a European-wide War in Europe.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Keir Starmer´s idea about sending peacekeepers to Ukraine has not gone down well


Keir Starmer´s idea about sending troops to Ukraine as peacekeepers did not go down well, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz made an early exit from the gathering in France, saying that it was extremely premature to talk about sending troops anywhere before any peace settlement had been agreed.

But this was not all, for obvious reasons, Germany does not want to send troops anywhere in Europe when there is even the slightest possibility of a conflict of major proportions. Given the perception that the Russian Federation might send a big number of troops via Belarus, that could threaten Polish borders and seize Kiev in no time, Poland does not think either that this could be a good idea. Spain under General Franco did not get involved in World War Two. There is no appetite whatsoever for any involvement. 

For the moment and in the foreseeable future, there will be no EU participation in any negotiation. USA and the Russian Federation are the only two players involved and statements made by Volodomir Zelensky that no peace agreement would be possible without Ukraine´s participation and calls for the formation of an EU Army have little weight. In the end, if Ukraine were to reject a settlement agreed by the USA and the Russian Federation, USA could unilaterally decide to cease military and financial support. At this point in time, many EU countries that happen to be members of NATO might be thinking about the possibility of a reduction of American military presence in Europe.  

Sunday, 16 February 2025

While Rachel Reeves struggles to keep the boat afloat, Keir Starmer is keeping his eyes off the ball


The British economy is heading towards the rocks, Rachel Reeves is seeing a financial cushion evaporating, making the three bad options available as a threat.

Regardless of the what the Bank of England does or does not do, investors might have different ideas. Would you put your monies on the Titanic?

So what next? More taxes, more borrowing or more cuts of public services or a combination of the three.

This at a time when the Prime Minister might be talking about forcefully increasing expenditure in defense. Well, if the theoretical conflict is imminent, time ran out a long time ago. What is the reality of British military strength? A few nuclear bombs that Britain cannot use for fear of retaliation against all British cities. When it comes to conventional warfare, Britain is absolutely naked.  

Thursday, 13 February 2025

US: NATO countries that send troops to Ukraine will not be protected by Article 5

For decades, the USA has been used and abused bz countries that have consistently cut down defense expenditure, expecting American soldiers to protect them, instead of building up their own defense capabilities. The US Secretary of Defense made it clear that countries will no longer be expected to invest 2 per cent but 5 per cent of their national budgets, to beef up their own military industries and Armed Forces.

With regards to Ukraine, he told NATO members and politicians that the way forward is peace with realism. Ukraine´s previous borders will not be restored and territorial concessions will have to be made. Ukraine will not be a NATO Member and any force, including European Forces and Non European Forces will not be protected by Article 5 if they enter Ukraine.

USA must give prioritz to the defense of its own borders and other threats in the Asia Pacific Region.

Link to talk about the issues Sunday, 16 February, 2025 from 2000 to 2200 GMT

Subjects to be treated on Sunday 16 February 2025 on Meetup via Zoom. Link bellow.


Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Alternative für Deutschland Far Right or Far Correct?

Alternative für Deutschland means that Far Right is Far Correct

The mess created by so called mainstream political parties is such that only political parties like Alternative für Deutschland can turn things for the better. For decades, Europe has been absorbing the mess created in other continents and being flooded with both victims and opportunists who seek to take advantage of a Welfare System paid for by hard working peoples. Most migrants end up not working or working in subsidized jobs, taking over services, housing and welfare infrastructure while locals who have paid for those services, housing and welfare are made to work harder at the best of times or to be without essentials at the worst of times.

So local and regional authorities are running out of money or have run out of money. Why? Migration. They are crumbling under the weight of inflated budgets that are not affordable. The Labour Party aka Champagne Socialists could not care less. Taxes keep going up, borrowing keeps going up and services are cut. When things are going in the wrong way, so called mainstream politicians try whatever they can to maintain the status quo, regardless of the consequences.

It is now that the Far Right / Far Correct has a vital role to play to amend what has been going wrong. So called Diversity has undermined public services by adding unnecessary costs that have nothing to do with the declared aims of public services.

Sexuality has been politized to the point of pretending that political statements about a myriad of non existing genders can change reality. Gender disphoria is a reality but is a reality that does not change the fact that we are talking about men and women. This is many cases has had a negative economic impact and negative social impact. 

Saturday, 25 January 2025

The Southport Killer was himself a victim, not that politicians and mass media care about it.

 Dear Helen Hayes MP,

Watching the news I come to the conclusion that Britain, starting with the Prime Minister, is run by people who suffer from mental retardation.

Nobody, not the politicians, not the mass media, dare or bother to ask the right questions. Look at the images and ask yourself how could it happen. How could a visibly normal and well adjusted friendly young boy turn into a monster just a few years later?

So the incompetent idiot that we have got as Prime Minister believes that making an example out of a human tragedy to score political points is the right way forward.

There will be many other young boys out there that might end up like the Southport killer. Why? Because we are dealing with the consequences and not with the root causes. The girls that were killed were victims of violence. The boy that was sent to jail presumably for 52 years was a victim too. What happened along to the way to turn the boy into a killer? Did somebody ask the questions? Is somebody out there trying to deal with the root causes?

I listen to the comments made by politicians and to the comments made by mass media and I would send both politicians and mass media operators to jail for sheer stupidity. Does anybody care?

Just a few years ago, there was research done by Kings College indicating that 10 per cent of teenagers show signs of mental illness that could turn yet another boy or girl into another Southport killer. At a meeting at Emgreen School in Southeast London, researchers explained their findings. They said that many cases go undetected and only become known when there is a serious incident and by then it is all too late to do anything about it. Far too many cases of 'bad behaviour' in schools are related to underlying issues. Nothing happens out of nothing. One boy did not suddenly turn into a monster. There is an evolution that took years. Every step of the way, opportunities to nip the problem in the bud were obviously missed. This is an example of absolute carelessness.   
Southport.pngThe time is long overdue to stop posturing and to stop making idiotic speeches to justify the unjustifiable. People growing up in extreme situations end up themselves producing extreme situations. Working for social services, I encounter the most unbelievable situations. Walking around in British cities, I encounter the most unbelievable situations. Travelling on public transport I encounter the most unbelievable and harrowing situations. I see people turned into shadows of their former selves. It is absolutely pathetic and shameful. 

The scourge of drug abuse and mental illness is in full display for all those coming to Britain to see. It is absolutely deplorable, but it is even more deplorable to see the degree of public desensitization to the point that it has become apparently normal to see vulnerable people that seem to have been completely forgotten, discarded, by the rest of society.  

Thursday, 16 January 2025

4 Days to go: 20 January 2025


Whether the Knesset ratifies any ceasefire remains to be seen. President Biden wanted to close his time in office with some big news, but premeditated Jewish delays are already threatening the supposed ceasefire deal as 70 Palestinians are murdered by Israel in the last few hours.

Everybody is expecting big changes in national and international politics. Panama Canal built by USA to be controlled by USA. Another USA State or more than one new USA States? And when you talk about the Gulf, it might not be about Middle East or Asia Minor but closer to home as the Gulf of Mexico becomes the Gulf of America.

Will Keir Starmer, Zelensky and Ursula von der Leyen be invited to the inauguration of the new American President? Another bit of 'let's wait and see'. Will the now British Foreign Secretary that has repeatedly insulted President Donald Trump be invited to the ceremonial and very formal occasion?

We know that happened to Governor Trudeau that soonafter a meeting with President Trump was given his marching orders. Will other politicians be given their marching orders? Again, let's wait and see. In Germany, a Federal Election can dramatically change the political environment in Germany and in France the new Prime Minister is fighting for his survival and being threatened with a no confidence vote. Will he last until July 2025 when new French Assembly Elections can take place.

And in Britain, Keir Starmer is losing cabinet members as trees lose leaves in the autumn. Will Rachel Reeves remain in her post? Let's see what she can come up with in the new budget. Although inflation is said to have fallen, the fall has nothing to do with announced financial measures that will only come into effect in April 2025. Let's see what happens to inflation after April 2025 when the real picture of the British economy will come to the surface. 

Saturday, 11 January 2025

The Real War is ongoing: it is happening as right now.

The Real War is ongoing: it is happening as right now.

There were many wars before and we were led to believe that wars were about guns, bombs and cannons. But there are other wars taking place. These are wars fought with legislation and censorship. The American legal system has been weaponised and used for illegal purposes. In Britain, the Labour Party is waging war by preventing people from knowing what is really happening in Britain. The EU mandarins have a similar strategy. They want to protect you from the truth. They have to hide their mistakes and the consequences of their mistakes.

The facts are plainly visible. If there are lower temperatures, renewable energy is not nearly enough to meet the needs of the country. In Britain, without sunshine and without wind, barely 9 per cent of the energy needed was provided with renewables. So what about the 91 per cent? It was provided with fossil fuels. We must always have Plan B and even Plan C. Ideology is driving politics and this is a recipe for disaster.

So now Rachel Reeves put herself against the wall and put the country against the wall and is doing so with the help of Ed Milliband and other ideologists who ignore realities for the sake of ideological stances. And when reality knocks, what is the alternative proposed? To prevent people from knowing what is going on. But reality is too big and there is no carpet big enough to cover up what is happening. They inflated a gigantic ballon made of lies and deceit and there are needles everywhere. The idiots still believe that taxing the wealthy is the magic solution. What they do not understand is that given the size of the British economy there is not enough money in rich peoples pockets in Britain to prevent Britain from falling apart. We are talking about trillions of Pounds and the debt clock is ticking ever faster. 

At this point in time, British politicians keep posturing and talking about saving the rest of the world when in fact they are involved in a huge money laundering exercise while the walls of the British economy are getting plenty of cracks. Let us remember that those sending British money away will not last long. What needs to be remberered is that they are very much the problem.  

EU mandarins are telling us that they will cancel elections or annul elections if elections do not go their way and they are doing so very publicly and openly. This tells you very clearly that EU mandarins are the enemy.

Friday, 10 January 2025

Danemark: in the big scheme of things, Danemark does not even exist.


Danemark: in the big scheme of things, Danemark does not even exist

The image of a Danish representative signing a sort of mutual defense agreement between Danemark and Ukraine by shaking hands with Zelensky the Ukrainian dictator (Zelensky was elected President but his mandate expired months ago and there have been no elections in Ukraine) shows how ridiculous political leaders can be.

The issue brought to the fore was the status of Greenland, a Danish territory with 57,000 inhabitants, that will have an independence referendum in April 2025. 

Danemark itself is affected by what has become a common issue across many so called Developed Countries: a negative birthrate. Because the country is desperate to maintain a status quo come what may, attitudes towards migrants have changed and so have the stances of Danish political parties.

The public announcement about the USA buying or taking over Greenland for strategic purposes is no mean fit. Historically, Danemark lost territories to Germany and when it was supposed to cede Norway to Sweeden, Norway became independent. Bit by bit, Danemark keeps losing and losing. Greenland is not demographically relevant but it has significative natural resources that could not go amiss for countries like the USA that happens to be the head of the North Atlantic Alliance to which Danemark still belongs to.

American military presence in Germany, the powerful neighbour, should be noted, being Germany covered by American military bases. You can never be too far from an American military installation. Calls by Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron to respect territorial integrity, should the USA decide to use any of the two proposed alternatives, cannot be more than posturing. The EU is not ready to finance its own NATO nor has the capabilities to do so. 

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Europe is heading for internal meltdown: incompetent and corrupt so called mainstream political parties are the cause of the problem

One must not forget why the French Revolution and other revolutions happened. Political incompentence and corruption. So called mainstream political parties must be replaced with real political parties. 

What have the so called mainstream political parties produced? Depravity, corruption and endless wars, massive waves of refugees. They have destabilized not only their own countries but they have also turned the rest of the world into a nightmare.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Alexander Gauland: one plus one equal two


Alexander Gauland: one plus one equals two

One of the co-founders of Alternative für Deutschland knows full well that so called maintream political parties have miserably failed to provide answers for very difficult problems. He knows that they keep proposing failed recipes that keep making matters a lot worse because they are guided by ideological nonsense that goes against reason.

Because so called mainstream political parties control mass media they are still getting away with murder and the outcome of the 2025 Federal Elections in Germany could still produce the same nonsense that will compromise Germany's very existence.

Since the end of World War Two the idea of the victors was to prevent a German true revival and have done so brilliantly maintaining a massive military occupation of German land and dictating to the German peoples foreign policies that go against Germany's genuine interests. So called mainstream political parties have been complicit in promiting anti-German policies.

Today, present circumstances are a calculated risk that could lead Germany to be involved in a catastrophic war against her will. German voters will have to choose between political parties that will take such risk and a political party that openly and strongly speaks against any Germany involvement in any kind of war.

Monday, 6 January 2025

Alexander Litvinenko = A British cover up


Alexander Litvinenko - a British cover up

As the Russian Federation had asked for Boris Berezovsky's return to the Russian Federation, Tony Blair's government could not give him up. After all Boris Berezovsky had facilitated the transit of American and British troops into Afghanistan and was an actual CIA asset.

The fact the Alexander Litvinenko was Boris Berezovsky's second in command was for the Russian Federation exactly what they needed to compromise the British government and force the British government to either return Boris Berezovsky to the Russian Federation or face a gigantic scandal as the man Tony Blair was protecting was acting as a double agent by supporting Czechen Rebels allied to the men that were killing British and American soldiers in Afghanistan and to do so had links with Latin American drug cartels.

Andrei Lugovoi was sent to London to negotiate with Alexander Litvinenko safe passafe for him and his family to the Russian Federation. All sins would be forgiven in exchange for compromising evidence against Boris Berezovsky and against the British government.

When the British got news of the coming of Andrei Lugovoi, they decided in a rush to get rid of Alexander Litvinenko to prevent a scandal and it was fairly easy to blame an innocent called Andrei Lugovoi. After all, the public has been trained to believe that whatever ever bad happens might be the fault of the Russian Federation. War Criminal Tony Blair was not going to stop at anything. After all, he had fabricated a case for war based on fabricated evidence.

I worked for a team supporting Andrei Lugovoi's innocence. The so called radioactive material is fabricated by Britain and was fabricated by Britain at a time when a weapons merchant called Sergei Skrypal, a traitor and a criminal, and other people were targetted.

The time came when without Alexander Litvinenko's help, the Russian Federation could still get to Boris Berezovsky who by then had lost strategic value. Knowing that the British decided to kill Boris Berezovky and other operators close to him. As they could not trust that Roman Abramovich would not reveal the plot, they decided to prevent Roman Abramovich from returning to the United Kingdom.