Tuesday 17 September 2024

Labour: Cutting consumption with higher taxes, higher utility prices and higher prices in the shops will lead to mass unemployment


Even before the first budget is presented in Parliament, the Labour government has cut disposable income with higher taxes, higher utility prices and higher prices in the shops. 

In a reminder of what happened during the Covid Pandemic when lockdowns reduced economic activity dramatically to the point that the then Conservative government had to implement furloughs schemes to try to save ailing companies and prevent massive job losses, the Labour government now seems to intend to cause yet another financial crise.

Cutting disposable income in the United Kingdom while increasing the amount of monies thrown into a foreign bottomless barrel is a strategy for disaster. Money, money, money but not for Britain. Is this a government for the United Kingdom?

In the meantime, Prime Minister Keir Starmer travels around the world, organising new wars and leaving a trail of Pounds as he smiles for television cameras, but.... never mind... private donations for his wife's wardrobe are always welcomed.

When eve supermarket chains like Tesco are closing down branches, you can foresee what the future will be as numbers of cases of shoplifting in supermarkets increase exponentially.


Sunday 8 September 2024

Keir Starmer: is he a Labour Labour Party Leader?


Keir Starmer: is he a Labour Labour Party Leader?

From the very beginning, and despite a massive majority in terms of number of Members of Parliament representing, the Labour Party has been struggling and will presumably continue to struggle.
None other than Keir Starmer is asking whoever remains loyal to the leadership not to vote for the fuel winter allowance that benefits pensioners in the United Kingdom. Keir Starmer want to get rid of it and cannot trust his own MPs. This week in the House of Commons, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Greens, SNP, Independents and presumably several Labour Party MPs might vote against the Labour goveernment. What will happen is tens of Labour MPs vote against the Labour government? Will they all be suspended?

Speaking openly and directly, many now former Labour voters and former Labour Party supporters are saying the Labour Party is no longer a Labour Party and talking about voting for other political parties because the Labour Party does not represent them anymore.

If Labour Party grassroots turn against the Labour Party, who knows what could happen at the next elections. There will be Council Elections across London in 2026 and guess what.... Keir Starmer's constituency is a London constituency. If as a reaction Labour voters across Greater London turn against the Labour Party the situation will be not just uncomfortable, but also very difficult in political terms. There will also be by-elections coming up. The political honeymoon is over even before the first budget is announced.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

What would happen if an Islamic political party was created?


What would happen to British politics if an Islamic political party was created? 

Looking at demographics, it is easy to imagine that if Muslim communities stopped supporting existing political parties and decided to create an Islamic Party such political party would be very successful. Muslim families tend to have more children and therefore, every year, the number of those supporting the said party electorally would be increasing. Nowadays, a sizeable number of those coming to Britain as refugees come from Muslim countries and with European countries increasingle averse to accept Muslim refugees the numbers of those coming to UK would also be growing up.

If Jeremy Corbyn wanted to increase his political influence, he is making all the right moves. Those he is now joining as a group happen to be mostly former Labour candidates and former Labour members now acting as Independents that happen to be Muslim. As the Conservative Party did before, Labour is alienating Muslim voters. More conservative Muslim voters not only oppose the mainstream political parties' policies and attitudes regarding Israel. They also oppose sexual ideology that openly contradicts traditional Muslim values.

Six Conservative Candidates to become Leader of His Majesty's Opposition


Six candidates to become Leader of His Majesty's Opposition. This week, it is expected that two of them will be voted out in ballots in which only Conservative MPs will vote.

Mel Stride, Priti Patel, Robert Jenrick, James Cleverly, Tom Tugendhat, and Kemi Badenock are the six hopeful candidates.

With the Labour Party moving towards the right for internal reasons, Reform will be the bone of contention for the Conservative Party.

Question 1 - What do they stand for?

Question 2 - What do party members want?

Ultimately, whoever the last two contenders will be, party members will have to chose. What is the mood in the Conservative Party? Will the party want to go left in order to place itself in the mythical centre? Will the party have to go right to counter Reform?

With the horrendous experience of a similar leadership contest, who will be the chosen one and how long will the chosen one last?

The first year of the Labour governement will be a test for the Labour government and for His Majesty's Opposition. If the Labour government falters, then there has to be somebody who is killed enough to capitalize on Labour's mistakes. But it has to be also somebody skilled enough to prevent any additional casualties. There were casualties before the General Election and there were casualties after the election with several Conservative candidates being pushed aside because of the rising support for Reform.

If Conservative MPs decide to go awol and join other parties, including Reform, this could sink the Conservative Party in favour of Reform or other political parties. There is hope that 2026 could produce better news for the Conservative Party. Is that hope justified?

The first test will be the coming budget to be presented by the Labour government. If because of tax changes the Labour government's plan goes South, then the chances of doing better in local and regional elections will rise. Having said that, party unity will be a critical factor.


Alternative for Germany - Is there an Alternative for Germany?


Is there an Alternative for Germany?

When the ruling SPD barely gets about 5% and his partners in the ruling coalition - Greens and FDP - get even less in state elections in Germany, something surely must change. Next stop? Brandenburg. If a disaster of the scale of what happened in Thuringen and Saxony also happens in Brandenburg then the ruling coalition must surely question its own future.

SPD and CDU quickly reacted proposing a ban on migration from two countries after lamentable events, but this did not seem to be enough to persuade voters to support the ruling coalition. In Thuringen, AfD got more votes than CDU and in Saxony the difference in favour of CDU was minimal compared to the level of support for AfD.

With Federal Elections around the corner, surely this is something to very much worry about. Geopolitical issues are dividing Germany, but internal issues seem to be equally divisive.

Immigration is being rejected by both sides of the political spectrum. A rising movement of the left is also anti-immigration.

The question is: have voters from both left and right of the political spectrum had enough of open borders? Let's remember that the official stance has been to punish Hungary for its reluctance to accept open borders. This beggars the question: are so called mainstream political parties out of tune? 

If they try to swim against the tide they will continue loosing support. SPD has even tried to ban Alternative für Deutchland. What will the argument in favour of banning Alternative für Deutschland? They got more than 30% of support and we got less than 6% and therefore we need to ban them because they are winning against us?

The Greens are the loudest party in favour of war in Europe. Do the Greens understand that their policies and stances are not supported by a vast number of German voters who have had enough of warmongers?


Will a 40% tax on oil and gas companies reduce investment from about 13 billion down to 2.5 billion?

 Dear Rachel Reeves MP,

As Chancellor of the Exchequer, you will impose a windfall tax of almost 40% on oil and gas companies. 

Reports indicate that investment in the UK of the said oil and gas companies will fall from about 13 billion down to 2.5 billion and that therefore in coming years the tax revenues will be reduced accordingly.

When such tax revenues fall, how do you plan to replace oil and gas falling tax revenues?

I am also sending this message to my Member of Parliament, Helen Hayes MP, because I am very curious and very much interested in knowing about Plan B, if Plan A reduces tax revenues, what plans are in place to find tax revenues to replaced oil and gas tax revenues?

This is a very relevant question when you are about to implement a new state of austerity because we are talking both about tax revenues, investment and energy prices. If less oil and gas are produced, will this push prices up and therefore also push consumer prices up (inflation)?

Workers working in the oil and gas industries are highly especialized workers whose jobs are going to be in danger. We are talking about 35,000 highly trained individuals. If investment falls, it is also expected that unemployment will rise. Is this something that you have taken into consideration?

This could have a domino effect regarding industries that are closely linked to oil and gas industries. Is this something that you have taken into consideration?

Best regards,

Karl Hohenstauffen