Thursday 18 April 2024

Geopolitics: Those who are at the bottom of the pile, get the worst deal


What the conflict in Palestine has proven once again that you only get justice if you are powerful. From this point of view Adolf Hitler was absolutely right. The winner will not be accountable. Therefore, the aim is to win by whatever means.

If you have power, you have friends. If you don't have power, you are on your own and bound to suffer the consequences of being weak.

This is why the death of 1400 Israelies was used as a justification to kill more than 36,000 people in Palestine and demolish entire tows and is also used as justification to raid properties and throw out and/or kill its occupants because... because they are not strong enough to resist.

Justice can be bought by having enough powerful friends and enough money. Countries that exist in the most disastrous conditions don't get any financial support. Quite the opposite. They are forced to hand out their national resources while Israel gets several billions of US Dollars and the military support of others including the United Kingdom.

Morality tells that you should not sell weapons used for Genocide, but money is more important that morality and this is why politicians paid by British taxpayers are more than happy to go out and support genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

If Israel persists, things will be worse for all concerned


If Israel persists in its attempts to provoke Iran, economies around the world will suffer and the chances of a widespread all out war will increase.

The Middle East is still one of the richest nations when it comes to energy resources that most countries in the world need. If for whatever reason, the Middle East ceases to be what it is in terms of energy resources, energy prices worldwide will skyrocket and world economies that are now on the brink or already in crisis will fall apart with tragic social and political consequences.

The Red Sea and the Suez Canal are still key areas for world energy and world trade. Already insurance premiums in certain parts of the wold are rising - if a region is seen as dangerous, then transport across the said region will cost more in accordance to the danger. If an oil cargo is sunk then the spread of oil and damages to sea life and the environment will be added to financial costs. But there are also other risks that must be taken into consideration. If the Jordan River were to be poisoned, a vital supply of water for local and regional populations will be compromised. You can have as many weapons you could possibly have, but the absence of drinkable water can make any amount of weapons absolutely useless. Chemical or biological contamination could render habited areas uninhabitable. Water is a make or break resource. When one country threatens to use a harsher response, you don't forcefully think about weapons or troops. You must think about vital resources and if you cannot protect vital resources then your country has no future at all. For Israel, no amount of American aide can replace water. Without usable water, Israel or any other country will be finished.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Israel/Iran: another chapter. Israel deliberately provoked Iran


Israel deliberately provoked Iran. It was Israel that targetted research Iranian installations in Iran some years ago and has always had on its agenda a direct attack against Iran.

Iran chose to respond moderately and pre-announced the launching of drones and missiles to minimize the number of potential casualties. This was a message to deter Israel from continuing a murderous campaign in Palestine and against its neighbours.

The next chapter has not been written. It will depend on Israeli actions in the near future. Nostradamus predicted a nuclear holocaust in the Middle East as the start of World War Three. Will it come to pass?

Saturday 13 April 2024

Iran seizes a ship heading towards Israel, a measured response


After a murderous Jewish attack that killed Iranian diplomats in Syria, Iran promised retaliation. Up to now it has not been a violent attack. In fact, Iran seized a ship transport cargo for Israel.

Until now, Iranian actions have been measured, controlled, very much unlike Jewish actions that led to death of more than 36,000 men, women and children, adding to the toll the assassination of aid workers, journalists and UN personnel.

We don't what the end of the saga will be, but there are some indications that in Israel all is not well. Orthodox Jews, traditional exempt from military service, are now under pressure to get involved and thi is leading to internal conflict in Israel and beyond.

The actions of Benjamin Netanyahu and of those who support him are promoting anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish sentiments across the world. American Senador Chuck Shumer, himself of Jewish ancestry, called for the resignation of Benjamin Netanyhu whose actions are now forcing the US government to deal with disaster management. A mere issue of numbers tells us that should there be a widespread conflict in the Arab World, the survival of Israel cannot be guaranteed. This is the direct consequence of the massacres and ethnic cleaning operations carried out by the present Israel government.

Monday 8 April 2024

World is ruled by force: Might is Right


From the very beginning, some people in Israel have sought inspiration on the pages of Mein Kampf - the political manifesto of Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler stated very clearly in Mein Kampf that 'Might is Right' and Israel has followed this to the extreme.

If you can take it and keep it, it is yours. Looking at the map of 1948 and comparing the map of 1948 with what happened afterwards, it is plainly obvious that Israel follows the principles stated by Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler stated that the winners will have nothing to prove or justify in terms of accountability as the winners will be accountable to no one and this is exactly what has been happening. Israel makes International Law as it goes along and completely ignores the International Community. Israel has maintained millions of peoples under occupation, carrying out ethnic cleansing, dispossession, and murder.

I doubt very much that this is what the forefathers of Israel actually wanted. Israel has been taken over by psychopaths and murderers whom, by their actions, are putting in danger millions of Jews across the world. They are the champions of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Jewish sentiments. They promote Anti-Semitism and Anti-Jewish sentiments. If you want to blame somebody for the rise of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Jewish sentiments across the world, blame those in authority in Israel and those outside Israel that support atrocities being committed by Israelis in the Middle East.

Eminent Jews that denounce the atrocities committed by the present Israeli government end up being attacked by psychopaths that rule Israel and their supporters.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

In Memoriam: Investigation reveals that using AI Israeli forces targetted 37,000 people, knowing that most of them were innocent


Aid workers were not targetted by accident. It was a deliberate attack against aid workers. The Israeli government is also attacking diplomatic personnel and bombing embassies.

Saturday 30 March 2024

Integration or disintegration: Keir Starmer faces backlash for including flag on electoral campaign

It looks and sounds like a contradiction that people coming to Britain or who have been born see the national symbols as a threat. Why is this happening? The education system might have a lot to do with it. Negative attitudes towards Nation and nationalist are being promoted throughout the education system, thus turning Britons against their own country and their own national identity.

Instead of being encouraged to love the country in which they live, they are being taught to hate the country in which they live and to see the country in which they live as evil. This state of affairs has to change and the time for change is long overdue when Britain might be about to face yet another historical challenge for its survival.