Saturday 25 May 2024

Rishi Sunak vs Keir Starmer?

Recent years in Britain has been the scene of a political catastrophe, from David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak to the soon to be Prime Minister Keir Starmer. Is this a fait accompli or could there be other developments in the making?

Looking at the teams - and this is about teams - what are the major differences between the two teams?

This is a specially tricky time both in national affairs and in international affairs. There are major concerns in terms of international events that could send countries over the edge. We need to look in both directions - across the Atlantic to see what is happening in the USA and across the Channel to see what is happening in France. If the unthinkable happens, whoever is Prime Minister in Britain might be dealing with Donald Trump in the USA and with Marine Le Pen in France.

Could we end up with a hung Parliament? Could the unthinkable happen leading to a Conservative win, whatever tight it might be?

If anything, apart from mass media reactions and the fact that not less than 73 Conservative MPs announced that they will not be standing for re-election, there is widespread apathy. Could the Labout Party be divided along national borders, ethnic differences and ideological differences to the point that an easy victory can turn out to be not just a tight victory but also a tight defeat?

Who can we believe? Can we believe mass media? Both major parties are losing membership support and voters are crossing new boundaries. Both Greens and Reform did pretty well all things considered and this in local elections - particularly in London. Could disaffected voters look for other alternatives?

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