Saturday 11 May 2019

Politics in Britain: When Politics is War

Politics in Britain: When Politics is War

I have been following politics from a very early age. I have been in politics for more than half a century. I have in politics in the most extreme of circumstances. I have seen dirty tricks of all kinds and what happens in Britain today goes beyond dirty tricks. This is crowd manipulation when different standards are applied to every situation 

If one side is harassed to the point of reacting it is said to be normal or even desirable. If those on the receiving end justifiably react when faced with harassment they are depicted as the aggressors.
Ezra Levant describes to perfection what is going on:

Dear Karl,
I hate watching the mainstream media cover Tommy Robinson’s election campaign to be the next Member of the European Parliament.
The media is working hand-in-hand with Antifa rioters. Their street gangs attack Tommy when he’s out campaigning, but the media portray it as if Tommy’s the one causing trouble. Even worse, the police just stand back and let it all happen. They’d never let that happen to, say, Jeremy Corbyn.

Those involved in demonising need to stop and think because their demonising campaign show very little respect or care for human life. There is a point when those in the mass media need to understand that as direct consequence of their kind of reporting people will get killed. Replace milkshakes with something else and you will see the picture.

As we see people carrying knives and killing other people, it is also easy to imagine a disturbed individual knifing to death a candidate or a political activist or a journalist. A Journalist carries with him or her an enormous responsibility. A Police officer carries with him or her an enormous responsibility. When a Police officer stands aside, doing nothing for political reasons, a Police officer is failing in his or her duty of care. With every new incident, danger levels rise.

We can continue passing legislation to presumably prevent Extremism but politicians and mass media are fomenting Extremism by promoting messages that exclude people simply because they - politicians and mass media - have a political agenda. The more we exclude people, the more disenfranchised people become, the more Extremism there will be. There is a point when frustration leads to anger and anger leads to violence. And this is exactly what is happening right now. The more repressive legislation becomes the more the potential for violence grows.

You might not agree with a man like Tommy Robinson. You are duly entitled to disagree with anybody. You are not entitled to harass, attack or demonise anybody simply because you don't agree. Harassment, demonising, discrimination and even violence perpetrated against people the Political Establishment and the Mass Media that follow the Political Establishment don't like have become acceptable. This is not an environment for peaceful coexistence.

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