Friday 24 May 2019

Prime Minister Theresa May on the way out. What next?

Prime Minister Theresa May on the way out. What next?

As Prime Minister Theresa May announces that she will be leaving as Prime Minister on June 7th 2019, the clock is ticking for President Donald Trump to unequivocally offer the United Kingdom a Trade Deal that will be so magnificent that it will prevent the rise of Marxist Prime Minister in the United Kingdom. 

I am sure that neither Republicans nor Democrats want to take the risk of Britain falling on the wrong side of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) at a time when both Germany and France favour the creation of a new arrangement that would make NATO redundant. If things go the way things are going, USA could find itself as minority of one in the United Nations Security Council and so much talked about Special Relationship could turn into something else.

A new Labour Government would have an agenda that it would be exactly the opposite of the USA agenda in many areas including Iran, Syria, Venezuela and the Middle East. As troubling as the situation is for Britain, it would be a lot more troubling for the USA.  

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