Friday 17 May 2019

IRAN: Yet another war?

IRAN: Yet another war?

The War in Afghanistan has been one of the longest conflicts having started in 2001 when the USA bombed Afghanistan and started a military campaign. In 2003, there was the illegal invasion of Iraq and several other conflicts across Africa, Middle East and Asia Minor followed. Now, another major conflict could be about to start and this time against Iran that shares a very long border with both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Some seem to be desperately trying to create more and more conflicts across the World. While this is happening the situation across Latin America is deteriorating. It would not be surprise if we see a return of military regimes across the board.

Europe itself is in political meltdown and political stability hangs in the balance as old uncertainties make a comeback. It seems that peace in Europe has lasted too long and that brushing contradictions under the carpet is not a long term solution. But things could be a lot worse if yet another major conflict erupts in Asia Minor. Major oil producing countries would be dramatically affected by such a conflict and we know that any conflict that affects vital energy supplies can cripple economies and political stability of neighbouring regions.

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