Sunday 14 July 2024

Wednesday, July 17th 2024 - State Opening of British Parliament


On Wednesday, July 17th, 2024, a new era in British politics begins with the official Opening of Parliament in the United Kingdom. 

A new Prime Minister with a massive number of MPs to back him up - 412 - faces a completely different environment. Conservatives down and Liberal Democrats with a massive increase of seats. 

The State Opening of Parliament takes place in the House of Lords with the reading of a full package of policies and iniatiatives that the new administration intends to implement from now until the next General Election, supposedly due in 2029. And there is another ingredient in the new Parliament which is the presence of a new player - Reform - with Nigel Farage and Richard Tice at the helm. This should increase the pressure on the new government - pressure that has been perhaps temporarily reduced by a massively reduce presence of Conservative MPs.

But nothing should be taken for granted. As a political commentator stated, big majorities in Parliament can also be a huge nightmare for the man on the chair as Prime Minister. The fact that the Conservative Party has still to name a Leader after the resignation of Rishi Sunak MP, might provide some relief to the new Labour Administration.

And what about the process to choose a new Conservative Party Leader. Despite calls for MPs not to engage in blood letting exercises, the strength of feelings and strong personalities in the Conservative Party, and given the fact that non elected and non-reelected politicians will have a strong influence in the decision making process, could lead precisely to a fight without quarters. 

Assassination attempt against President Donald Trump


Jumping on the war bandwagon, EU MEPs will set EU on fire


Jumping on the war bandwagon, EU MEPs will set EU on fire

Next time around, EU voters should think more carefully when choosing Members of the European Parliament, not to choose warmongers that are bent on causing a nuclear holocaust in Europe, individuals that call traitor anybody who is for a peaceful resolution of a conflict that could engulf Europe and the world as a whole.

German authorities think that the European Union Flag is a foreign flag and has passed legislation 'banning the burning of foreign flags'. By passing such legislation they are shooting themselves on the foot because they are stating what more and more people think - that the EU flag has nothing to do with Germany and that it is a foreign symbol. Perhaps they should think carefully about detaining and jailing somebody for burning the foreign EU flag.

It should also be a reminder for German voters that should now see that many so called democratic politicians in Germany want Germany to go to war. One of the most outspoken politicians that are very much in favour of going to war is none other that a Green Party member of the coalition that rules Germany at the moment, the same Green Party that is being routed in one election after another. One wonders what war, and nuclear war in particular, has to do with protecting the environment and saving the planet. 

Saturday 13 July 2024

Labour's 1997 historic majority led to Afghanistan and Iraq, but a war in Europe is a different cup of tea


Tony Blair / Prime Minister
Labour's historic majority in 1997 led straight to war in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Years later, we face the prospect of yet another war - although much more catastrophic if it ever happens.

In one of his initial appearances, Keir Starmer told the country and the world that he will allow the use of British weapons to attack the Russian Federation.

No interpretation needed. It is all too clear in which direction the wind is blowing.

And this is the same Labour Leader that opposed National Service. When conscription letters arrive telling young untrained men and women that they have to fight a war, I wonder what the public response will be.

Be assured that Keir Starmer will have no hesitation in terms of sending untrained British citizens to war, because reality tells that the British Armed Forces have been severely weaknened and do not have the manpower nor the equipment for any long term war.

It is not secret that Britain as well as other NATO countries expect that the USA will send young Americans to the slaughter house to defend European countries that have been entirely negligent when it comes to compliance of NATO Article 3 that demands that each member has to be able to defend itself.

Britain has done very little to beef up its Armed Forces. In fact, the now former Defense Secretary Grant Shapps could hardly explain why what he called an increase in defense expenditure was what actually a reduction in real terms. He couldn't because it was a reduction.

British morale is at an all time low affecting recruitment. Reports about more than 64% of those serving members of the Armed Forces living in substandard accommodation do not help. Let's see what Keir Starmer has to say about beefing up the Armed Forces because if he does not pay attention to the Armed Forces then we will know that all the rhetoric is based on thin air. 

Friday 12 July 2024

Labour government: Public sector pay promises that cannot be delivered will be the beginning


Is the edifice already starting to fall apart? Rachel Reeves promises of public sector pay rises have already backfired with Unions told that what they were promised is not affordable.

Winning an election acting under false pretenses is not a sign of political stability.

The 2024 September Budget will be crucial to know if this is the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end for the new Labour Administration, and this without taking into account dangerous statements that could take Britain to war in Europe, a war that will transform the Britain mainland into a battlefield.

Labour Administrations have a tendency to get Britain involved in disastrous wars. In 1997, Tony Blair won a historic majority only to get Britain involded in two major military conflicts that spelled absolute disaster. If Keir Starmer follows suit, the consequences for Britain would be catastrophic.

Sunday 7 July 2024

British Conservatives: No leader? Until when?


Now former British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is also former Conservative Party Leader.

Some say that the General Election was premature, but the manner of his resignation as Party Leader was certainly premature.

Next week when elected MPs assemble in the House of Commons to choose the next Speaker of the House of Commons, the Conservative Party will be headless.

Despite comments made by David Cameron and George Osborne about delays the election of the next Conservative Party Leader, it is self-evident that the Conservative Party cannot be leaderless for long. Who is going to face Keir Starmer as Shadow Prime Minister? Who is going to give the Conservative Party a sense of direction?

In debating chamber of the House of Commons will be three powerful figures: Nigel Farage, Richard Tice and Lee Anderson that speaking for Reform and the door is open for more disertions from the Conservative Party if no one stands to lead the Conservative Party. We are dealing with the survival of the Conservative Party. 

So, any delay can only increase present dangers for the Conservative Party. Those who were on the brink of leaving the Conservative Party before the General Election could be tempted to join Reform or other political forces if the issue of leadership is not resolved.

In the selection process that led to his appointment as Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak lost to Liz Truss because party members voted mostly for Liz Truss. When Liz Truss was forced to resign, then Rishi Sunak was chosen but only by Conservative MPs without the support of Conservative Party members.

Therefore, the question is absolutely relevant. Who is going to choose the next Conservative Party Leader? Will Conservative Party Members be given the chance to vote or will the next Conservative Party Leader be chosen by Conservative Party MPs?