Sunday 14 July 2024

Jumping on the war bandwagon, EU MEPs will set EU on fire


Jumping on the war bandwagon, EU MEPs will set EU on fire

Next time around, EU voters should think more carefully when choosing Members of the European Parliament, not to choose warmongers that are bent on causing a nuclear holocaust in Europe, individuals that call traitor anybody who is for a peaceful resolution of a conflict that could engulf Europe and the world as a whole.

German authorities think that the European Union Flag is a foreign flag and has passed legislation 'banning the burning of foreign flags'. By passing such legislation they are shooting themselves on the foot because they are stating what more and more people think - that the EU flag has nothing to do with Germany and that it is a foreign symbol. Perhaps they should think carefully about detaining and jailing somebody for burning the foreign EU flag.

It should also be a reminder for German voters that should now see that many so called democratic politicians in Germany want Germany to go to war. One of the most outspoken politicians that are very much in favour of going to war is none other that a Green Party member of the coalition that rules Germany at the moment, the same Green Party that is being routed in one election after another. One wonders what war, and nuclear war in particular, has to do with protecting the environment and saving the planet. 

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