Tuesday 12 September 2023

The young no longer believe in democracy and this is happening worldwide


Democracy remains popular across the world, but not amongst younger generations that have stopped believing in democracy. Within one or two generations, democracy could be a thing of the past.

Only 57% of those between the ages of 18 to 35 actually prefer democracy and are inclined to support military regimes.

The trend is understandable given the performance of political leaders and political representatives across the world. They have had more than enough of hypocrisy, corruption and failed promises. In countries like Argentina or the USA the first stages are already underway. Challenging established political parties is just the beginning and when the new Messiah fail to deliver, the road is open for other forms of government.

Another trend is that the younger generations don't watch the news, don't listen to the radio, don't read newspapers and are generally put off by politics altogether. There is a kind of fatalistic attitude indicating 'we cannot change anything', 'things can only get worse'. How much of the rejection is being fuelled by environmentalists and the talk about impending doom? If Man's existence on Earth is coming to the end, why should we care about democracy?

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