Friday 8 September 2023

Ukraine: If mobilization continues, there is the certain risk of Britain and Europe being engulfed in a very destructive war


World War One was seen as the war that would put an end to all wars in Europe. Then came World War Two. 

World War Two was a progression that started with the Spanish Civil War, when the future foes had the time and space to put into practice what they were going to do later on.

Even in September 1939, World War Two merely involved a few countries in isolated areas. In Europe, it was about Germany, Poland, Britain and France. In Asia, Japan was making advances in continental Asia. Not a hint of what was going to happen a few months later. In 1940, the pinnacle was the invasion of France - one of the countries that declared war against Germany on September 3, 1939, but soon most of Western Europe had been either invaded or was at war.

Therefore, these are the early days of World War Three, a new conflict that will certainly involve the whole of Europe as when it starts in earnest no one will escape from it. Lamentably, governments continue making steps that bring World War Three closer to home. Adding logs to the fire will not extinguish the fire. Quite the opposite. The location - once again - of nuclear stockpiles on Britain soil will certainly make Britain a first strike target.

Funnily enough, when a Conservative MP mentioned the idea of re-introducing Military Service in the UK the Labour Party Opposition was dead against such an idea. If there is war, the number of British military personnel actually trained and fit for war is minimal and most of the civilian population has been softened by years of neglect.

If you have children above the age of 16, rest assured that your children will be called to serve and die in war. At the moment they might busy themselves with pop music and entertainment, watching videos on Internet, and so forth, and are totally unaware of what is coming to them.

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