Wednesday 13 September 2023

Blank attacks against all Russians and anything Russian will strenghten Russian determination and NATO will be seen as the 1941 Wehrmacht

For those of us who bother to learn about Russian history, the idea of launching an attack against all Russians and all things Russian will take the Russian Federation back to the 22th of June 1941, the start of Unternehmen Barbarossa when the strives towards the implementation of Adolf Hitler Plan to exterminate Russians and replace them with German farmers in Lebensraum begun.

Demolishing monuments used to remember those who fought against National Socialist Germany will return Europe back to World War Two. Those who forget the past are forced to relive the past. 

So what is the brilliant idea that the Baltic Republics and others got? Confiscate anything Russian. Why? To prevent any Russians from entering Europe. As soon as the news hit the headlines across the Russian Federation those who oppose national mobilization in the Russian Federation will support national mobilization and when this happens Europe as a whole will once again face the prospect of an all-out war.

NATO will be seen as the 1941 Wehrmacht.

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