Organisation of the United Nations
Can the UN survive without USA?
Since the end of World War Two, it is extremely difficult to conceive a world without the Organisation of the United Nations, but if projects are approved in the United States and the United States leave the UN, then such a world would become a reality. During the history of the United States several attempts have been made to leave the UN but not enough UN representatives in the US Senate and in the US House of Representatives supported such idea.
Universalism, labeled today as Isolationism, was very much the tone right at the beginning the United States. It is documented that none other than General George Washington, later President George Washington, declared that the United States should steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. Those that support the idea of leaving the UN say that the UN gives non democratic and democratic countries the same weight at the time of making decisions that could be seen as an attempt to exert foreign control of the United States.
My reading is that the Organisation of the United Nations is very much a treaty between US, UK, France, the Soviet Union and China - having the Russian Federation inherited the seat of the now defunct Soviet Union - that ensured the existence of the Security Council. If one of the main signatories of such treaty decides to leave the Security Council then the treaty itself will be null and void as there are no mechanisms in place to deal with such eventuality and also because all pieces of legislation issued by the UN and internationally agreed would de facto become null and void. Several other organisations that operate under the umbrella of the UN would themselves cease to exist.
To a vast and critically important package of international legislation, we will have to add the enormous costs of running such an organisation coupled with the burden created by the fact that one of the main players, if not the main player, will no longer be part of the UN.
The concept Uniteralism is not new. It dates back to the beginning of the United States. If the same is applied to NATO then NATO should cease to exist.
We are entering a new world in which everything goes. The words "Sauve qui peut" come to mind. No international regulations, no international rules. No more territorial waters and no more international waters, as the absence of internationally agreed limits will make it impossible to determine what are territorial waters and what are international waters.
In spite of all the difficulties the UN encounters, it is undeniable that it has created crucially important points of reference for all countries. Without those points of reference we go back to survival of the fittest, a process that would involve endless conflicts across the world. No lasting national borders.