Friday 10 March 2023

Gary Lineker: Using the BBC for political agendas


For a long time, there has been criticism regarding BBC Superstars and the fact that they are overlypaid when the coorportation has been downsizing and cutting down services.

Not a year goes by without hearing announcements regarding services being cut off to save money and it is not any money. It is about money gathered because people most of whom do not watch the BBC are forced to pay under duress.

Despite the fact the he made a name because of football, Gary Lineker has very well known political views and political allegiances. If we want a BBC that is seen as impartial, Gary Lineker is not the best exponent of such impartiality and perhaps, and without perhaps, this led the BBC to make the decision not to allow the presenter to host a very public football programme. His twitter comments led to confrontation and even division between peoples that hold similar political views. Exponents of the Jewish Communities in the UK have shown that they are not happy - in some cases that they are deeply unhappy - to hear or see that the experiences of 70 or so years ago are being used for party political purposes in the United Kingdom. Is this a watershed moment? Are people tired enough of seeing words like Nazi, Fascist, Racist, Homophobe, Transphobe used to prevent any qualified debate about many of today's issues and ills?

Gary Lineker is not a Member of Parliament. Perhaps he should consider leaving the BBC, stopping being a sports presenter, and engage in politics full on. Then he could talk about politics using his own steam instead of using his presence as presenter of a public broadcaster to promote his views. It is become apparent that many communities in the United Kingdom are not happy when they are flooded with illegal immigrant centres and their local economies that were already in trouble before their hospitality industry was used for purposes that have nothing to do with the reasons why the hospitality industry was created. Calling disgruntled and desperate local communities Far Right or Racist is in itself a form of abuse. Local inhabitants become hostages of circumstances beyond their control. They become victims of decisions made by political groups that are not to have to cope with the repercusions of their decisions. 

What is happening in many local communities across the United Kingdom shows, once again, the disconnect between the well-off and the poorer segments of society. The said centres are not set up in well-off areas. The said centres are set up in the poorest areas of Britain. Rich Liberals and Champagne Socialists are condemning the poorest in Britain to live in conditions that Rich Liberals and Champagne Socialist would not want to live in.  

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