Sunday, 22 December 2024

EU heats up: Olaf Scholz urgent travel to the Russian Federation


EU heats up: Olaf Scholz urgent travel to the Russian Federation

The announcement by Ukraine that it would halt vital supplies to the European Union prompted German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urgent trip to the Russian Federation.

Energy has been the key for the survival of the European Union and most importantly for the most important country of the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany. Without energy, German manufacturing strength and support of its political system are in doubt. 

Germany faces a Federal Election in a few weeks time and the financial and industrial outcome is not brilliant. In the words of Alexander Gauland, co-founder of Alternative für Deutschland - the worse the situation becomes, the better for Alternative für Deutschland - and things are getting pretty bad. Ukraine is threatening the survival of the European Union. To make matters worse, an attack perpetrated today in Germany caused the death of several people and more than a 100 people were injured. It  does not play well in German politics when migration is one of the hottest topics.

As President Bill Clinton stated, 'it is the economy, stupid'. The German economy, its political stability, migration and geopolitical games are part of the same package.

The assertion that Alternative für Deutschland is the only political party that can save Germany did not go well with the usual culprits of the so called mainstream political parties that are used to win elections lying about those who challenge a disastrous status quo.

Angela Merkel started the debacle when she panicked and decided to get rid of nuclear power making Germany practically entirely dependent on foreign energy imports. The now former coalition headed by Olaf Scholz did the rest by associating itself with a warmongering movement that compromised vital energy supplies. No nuclear power, no oil, no gas. What could go wrong?

Olaf Scholz knows full well that energy shortages will be politically disastrous for so called mainstream political parties that do not protect fundamental German interests. Olaf Scholz knows in what could be the last days of his political career as German Chancellor that there are even greater risks that could lead to the disintegration of the European Union. There are conflicting interests within the European Union and this could well push countries to secede to follow their own paths. The promised Paradise looks increasingle like Hell on Earth.

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