Sunday 16 June 2024

Labour will put up taxes: no matter how many times they try to deny it, improvements have to be paid for


No matter how many times, Keir Starmer or any other Labour party supporter tries to deny it, the fact remains that promises made by the Labour Party will have to be paid for by rising taxes and Council Tax is the one thing that will be targetted as it was targetted in Birmingham to try to rescue Birmingham from bankruptcy. 

You cannot increase salaries across the public sector and invest monies to rescue the British Armed Forces from extermination without paying for it with higher taxes. For many, next July is going to be a very hot summer and not just because of weather conditions. 

Remember: there is no free lunch. And we must start wondering how rising taxes and rising prices in the shops are going to affect the economy and what the political consequences will be for the country as a whole. Any worsening of financial circumstances will push people towards extremes.

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