Friday 28 July 2023

Nigel Farage and a golden opportunity to reform the banking system


We are going deeper and deeper into the Digital Era, but even in the Digital Era there are thousands upon thousands of people that do not have bank accounts.

On top of issuing legislation that prevents any banking institution from using its leverage to cancel bank accounts for political purposes, there is also the issue of those that for no fault of their own have fallen by the side.

In the egalitarian society there are so who have bank accounts and those who don't and this is something that must be remedied.

If private banking institutions don't allow everybody to open a bank account, legislation must follow to guarantee that everybody can have access to his or her bank account. 

The time is long overdue to have a fairer banking system, a more rational banking system and especially taking into account that taxpapers saved private financial institutions from collapse more than once.

It is also relevant to emphasize that people must also have the option of using digital money and conventional currency. In a society in which there is always emphasis regarding choice, individuals must have the choice of using cash or not using cash at every point in time. It is well known that some businesses have decided to accept only digital currency. How is this allowed? Why is this allowed? Cash should always be legal tender.

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