Friday 28 October 2022

Rishi Sunak must be in UK: With no financial resources there cannot be a consistent environmental policy


The matters of government to deal with the energy crisis are more important than attending a talking shop and posing for pictures.

No sooner than Rishi Sunak was appointed Prime Minister, the usual culprits accused the Prime Minister for not attending an international gathering. Well, there are more urgent priorities to deal with at home to prevent a catastrophe.

At this very minute, 350,000 NHS staff are being balloted for strike. Why does Labour and others think that this is about? The strike if it happens should take place sometime in November so the authorities have some time to articulate a consistent response. Where should the Prime Minister be? At some talking shop about the environment or dealing with the National Health Service? No country can deal with environment when its economy is in a dangerous situation and therefore the priority is to deal with the economy now.

Regarding energy, the Green Party might celebrate the fact the Rishi Sunak has once again ban fracking, but funnily enough the Green Party has no immediate solutions to solve the energy crisis that is affecting Britain and coincidentally is the source of a financial, social and political crisis also on the Continent. It can take 40 years to build some of the alternatives and we need energy now. One way or another we are going to depend on fossil fuels because we need fossil fuels to build the alternatives proposed. Wind turbines are not made with wind power and nuclear plants are not made with wind power. The amounts of energy needed vastly surpass any amount of energy that can be produced with wind power. Electric vehicles are build with energy produced with fossil fuels.

Poland might enjoy the pleasures of 17th Century life-styles without electricity in the very near future, but do we want that in Britain in 2022. The possibility of having to deal with blackouts is very real. Can we have a digital economy with blackouts? Will lack of lighting make our lives better and safer? When our cities are plunged into the dark, it will be Christmas time for all kinds of criminals wanting to operate with impunity. 

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