Thursday 20 October 2022

Blackout Britain: Britain is losing the war

Britain is losing the war

Blackouts from January 2023 onwards? Maybe earlier. British is losing the war and this is the direct consequence of measures taken against the Russian Federation and by extension the EU is losing the war as double digit inflation rates and energy scarcety will put Democracy itself in jeopardy.

Can you imagine the impact of having big cities plunging into the dark? This is Christmas for criminals that will take advantage of the dark to carry out their criminal activities. Will cities living in the dark be safer or unsafer places to live in? Families that are already struggling to make ends meet will see their lives further disrupted or totally destroyed.

Shortsighted geopolitical decisions have generated a nightmare that it is not going to go away anytime soon. Energy sources cannot be replaced that easily. What about the so called 'electricity revolution'? Will our technological society survive without electricity? Clean air? Less polution? If you don't have electricity, burning coal and forests will be valid alternatives. And what about water services? Can water services operate without electricity?

Can the digital economy operate without electricity? Most of what we do depends on having access to digital services and it is most worrying to think about life support without energy. If you are somebody whose life literally depends on having access to electricity to keep you alive, then you are in serious trouble. For a very long list of reasons, we must have 24/7 access to electricity. This is a point when it is no longer about politics or political stances. 

Unfortunately, we have got politicians that act first and think later. Was the present energy crisis predictable? Of course, it was. When you do something to somebody else, you can except that somebody else will react and this is exactly what has happened. If you depend on energy supplies and apply sanctions against a country against that provides energy supplies then there will be retaliation. And this is exactly what happened. It is ridiculous for Liz Truss to go around blaming the Russian Federation for reducing or cutting energy supplies when she is very much in favour of sanctions against the Russian Federation and in favour of supplying money and weapons to those who are at war with the Russian Federation. It is the equivalent of Winston Churchill asking National Socialist Germany to supply oil to Britain when they two countries were at war with each other.  


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