Saturday 26 February 2022

America: Lying to iself and lying to the world.

The USA is an expert in lying to the world and lying to itself. Regardless of a Civil War and of the Declaration of Emancipation, a war supposedly fought to free black slaves and promote equality on the basis that All men are created Equal and have therefore intrinsically the same rights, many decades after the Civil War in the 1960s the Civil Rights movement went to the streets and after a march the crowds assembled near the Abraham Lincoln Memorial to, once again, ponder about racial inequalities. The long forgotten Native Americans were followed by other minorities, minorities that are minorities on the streets, but are majorities in the vast American system of prisons spread across the USA. The prison system is the USA is a business.

In a country that is considered to be the main power in the world, economic inequalities when it comes to race are appalling and is even more appalling that despite vast resources, the United States of America does not have a National Health Service that covers all of its citizens, the same citizens that throughout the years have given their lives in many international conflicts. Don’t wait for the said issues to be resolved any time soon as both Republicans and Democrats share the blame for such scandal that blemishes the United of America.

The same country that purports itself as defender of democracy and equality is extremely undemocratic and suffers from enormous inequalities. When it comes to International Law, the USA is not even signatory of the International Court of Justice. So here we are. USA claims to be there to protect International Law and is not even signatory of the International Court of Justice.

For ever and ever, the USA has told everybody else to live within their means. Does the USA live within its means. We have become accustomed to Congress having to pass legislation after legislation to increase public debt and it continues to borrow and print banknotes as if there was no tomorrow to finance all kinds of military adventures that often end up in disaster for the USA and for all those affected by the USA. The first lesson in morality should be for the USA to live within its means and spend its resources to improve the wellbeing of American citizens without getting involved in any more military adventures.

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